Things we remember,

Rat Rods Rule

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I remember when I could pull into Sanborns Service in town for gas. The attendant would come out ( he always smiled and knew your name) and wash your front and rear windows,check the tire pressure,oil,water,washer fluid,fan belts,check under the car quick for any obvious leaks, and pump your gas for you. The good part is on Wednesdays, they had premium gas at 5 gallons for $1.00 God I miss those days...
I remember when athletes didn't use performance enhancing drugs.

And gas really had 93 octane or better, not this crap they're selling us now!

And gas really had 93 octane or better, not this crap they're selling us now!
93 octane? I remember when Ethyl was 100 octane and Regular was 95.

Gas was .25 cents for Ethyl and for $2, we did the front and back windows. Anything over $2, we did all the windows, checked under the hood and checked the tires. $5 would fill my parents '65 Chevy wagon. Full coverage insurance for the wagon was $135.

When I was a kid, my brother and I had chores. ALL the yard work, setting and clearing the table for dinner. Washing and drying the dishes. We didn't have an allowance. If you wanted money, you worked for it. Delivering papers, shinning shoes, mowing lawns, etc.......

I bought my first car with $50. Nowadays, parents buy the kids cars.......
I remember when converse were new not retro

phone had rotary dials (hard to call the radio station fast!)

$20 would fill a BBC chevelle with super 100 octane

all phones had cords

77 pontiacs for cop cars

giving the road grader driver a coors tall one at 3pm so I could get a ride on the grader around the block (I was 5)

walking to the store to by smokes for the parents (I was 8)

beer had pull tabs

oil had spouts

my bike had a t handle shifter, bananna seat, apes, and a little front wheel

you could play outside in the summer all over town but had to be home when the street lights came on

cool guy down the street had a flat black 57 chevy with a tunnel ram and straight axle

when MTV came on the air

TV remotes had cords

cable was new and 13 channels

when I wasn't tired, fat or broke :D
Being the shoe shine boy at the local Barber Shop was
the coolest job in town. I can still remember the smell
of those tonics and shaving cream and the Baseball Game
blaring on the "AM" Radio. I could do a spit shine that
looked like patent leather and make that rag pop like
Lash Larue's bull whip !
Hitch hiking. When I was a kid you could safely hitch hike all over the place and didn't have to worry about some mass murderer picking you up. By the same token, I would pick up hitch hikers to help them out and never worried about being mugged or killed.

Neighbors who took care of neighbors and looked out for one another. I hate to say it, but I don't even know any of my neighbors today.:eek:

As a kid, selling subscriptions to magazines to your neighbors, friends, and relatives to get the prizes being offered in the back of magazines.

Sunday school.

I remember when you didn't have to buy drinking water.
And when you could play outside all summer and not having to worry about UV rays.
Walking to school about a mile, (uphill both ways),walking home at noon for lunch and going back to school after bus? that was for country kids!
school bus? that was for country kids!

being a country kid I used to remember when school wasn't cancelled until there was more than a foot of snow on the road! We ran the big yellow tobogan many times!:eek: now if there is heavy rain they cancel school[S
Not enough space to list all the stuff I remember...

Candy bars were a nickel...... soda was 7cents and 2 cents for deposit... Televisions that had 13" screens, the first color tv..... going to the movies for a monster fest 3 movies and popcorn and a drink for 50 cents.... playing soldier.... playing soldier for real 1969 to 1971.... building tree forts, playing marbles, hitching rides on bumpers in the snow, SS Kresge soda fountain..(now K-Mart), Top Hat Hamburgers, (kinda like white castle), and most of the other stuff that's already been mentioned..... kids had imagination and parents weren't paranoid about somebody stealing their kids..... I could go on and on........ but I won't....LOL
parents weren't paranoid about somebody stealing their kids.....

Well My Mother was concerned about Gypsies stealing me! Remember rumors? When neighbors still used to talk. Remember superstitions? In the '50's many people still had them.
Remember Hobo's. They used to ride the trains and come to your door for handouts. If you gave them something they put a secret mark on the pickett fence in front of your house so other Hobo's would know you were an easy mark.

Polio vacinations.

How about Popular Mechanics with all the inventions in the back and plans on how to build stuff.

And whatever happened to people inventing stuff in their home garages? It seemed everybody back then had some great idea they were working on that was going to make them rich.:D

Then there were those War Magazines that featured drawings of scantily clad women holding machine guns and blowing the Nazis away. I snuck quite a few of these from my Dad's collection. :cool:

Or the photographs of women by Russ Meyer. :eek: If you scored one of those pictures when you were 12 you were the envy of all your buddies.


BTW, oldmanb mentions not having water in bottles. Can you imagine when the first Executive of Pepsi stood up in a board meeting and said "I have an idea, lets sell bottled water !" I bet no one ever thought you could bottle and sell something that was otherwise free...........pure marketing genius.
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I remember going to play football or baseball with friends was really playing and not a video game.

You could ride your mini bike all day and no one would complain. And the neighbors would let you ride on there property.

all the neighborhood moms would keep and eye on you. If something happen to you they would take care of you like you were there own kid.

Go to the neighborhood garage and on the way collect the soda bottles long the road so you would have money to buy a soda and candy and also hang out with the mechanic.

Fuel was sold at gas stations that had a repair garage

The butcher and baker would go around in delivery trucks and stop at your house to sell they product.

When you had to use the outhouse to go to the toilet. And Grammy would say why would anyone in there right mind ever put a toilet inside there house. There was one holer, Two holer and three holers. And man if you had a three holer you were the king of the town.

Having you gun (BB gun or 22) with you as you rode your bike or walk down the road would not have the swat team looking for you.

You could carry a pocket knife to school.

Playing cowboys and Indians or army and shouting at each other with toy guns would get you a trip to the shrink to find out what is wrong with you, and you were not going to grow up being a mass murderer.

As a kid playing sports on a team had winners and losers.

Man I do not know how we survived without a cell phone glued to our ears or texting.
Snipe Hunts
Chinese Fire Drills
If 3 guys were cruising town - all in the front
seat, the big joke was for the outside passenger
to bend over like he was tying his shoe as they
cruised around the Burger Joint. Everyone else would
just see two guys sitting very close together in the
front seat.[ddd

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