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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. pacrat

    Underdash Master Cyl.?

    may or may not help I'm not sure if its what ya need but, some vans have a 90 degree setup from the factory, i know my old 76 chevy motor home does, might be worth looking at.
  2. pacrat

    Blasting?? Whats best these days...

    has anyone tried this the company i work for has recently purchased an ice blaster, we used to use a soda blaster but it makes such a mess that when we saw a demo of ice blasting we were sold, it uses dry ice pellets as the media leaves virtually no mess, no water, soda, etc. Its does a great...
  3. pacrat

    Endless BS thread

    The Effing Corp. Ya know I've oftened wondered how a company that manufactures so many different types of products stays in buisness when everything the make is so bad. The Effing Corp. seems to manufacture there own version of virtually every product known to man, as well as providing services...
  4. pacrat

    Pennsylvania is tough!

    instant arsehole, just add uniform several years ago I was involved in law enforcement, sheriffs dept, jail officer,reserve sheriffs deputy, reserve town marshal, very small community, sheriff dept. had about 10 paid and 20 reserve officers and marshal affice had 4 paid and around 15 reserves...
  5. pacrat

    Newer Car's/Trucks used as Rat Rod projects.

    my 2 cents worth In my opinion its good to hone your skills and develope your own techniques on something a little more disposable, I have seen many build threads in which the guy has taken something that could have been made very cool and destroyed it with poor technique and worse...
  6. pacrat

    Cad front bumper?

    wow what ever could have inspired such a bumper, hmmmmm...........
  7. pacrat

    Huge Engine Machine Shop

    awesome The one thing they had going for them back then was craftsmanship, there seems to be very little of that around today.
  8. pacrat

    does anyone know this truck

    more pics here are a couple more shots of the truck.
  9. pacrat

    does anyone know this truck

    thanks guys thanks to all replies, BobW, thanks for the info, i considered that it may have been an actual drag truck but wasnt sure, i have a 51 f6 thinking of doing it up much like this truck with a few changes.
  10. pacrat

    does anyone know this truck

    I'm looking for info on this truck, maybe a buld thread if possible, Thanks.
  11. pacrat

    What`s your daily driver ?

    don't hate me Okay, before I get bombarded with offers, it's not for sale, my daily is a (dare i say) 95 escort wagon, I know what you all must think, but really i'm not bragging, I just happened to fall into the deal of a life time. I'm sure many of you have searched high and low for your...
  12. pacrat

    Don't ever get a DUI.

    a unique view Ok folks here goes, In 1986 I was seriously injured by a drunk driver,(myself). I went to court plead guilty and recieved a small fine, 60 day lose of license and 6 month probation, ( oh yeah, also had to diplay a D.U.I. bumper sticker). About 3 years later I was offered a job at...
  13. pacrat

    1961 econoline RAT/GASSER

    its your chicken you fry it the way you want. Hey 61 Gasser, I think a couple of the guys were a little rough on ya, that appears to be a very solid truck, yo could go many different directions with it and any one of them would be cool, a bad arse tire fryer or a mellow yellow poser-mobile, I...
  14. pacrat

    You want HOW MUCH for it ???

    Hey guys, its the oldest trick in the book, i've seen hundreds of times, the guy is an avid collector, hates to part with any of his treasures, wife says "either the junk goes or i go" the guy not wanting to breakin a new wife says " look honey its all on e-bay, not my fault no one is buying...
  15. pacrat

    Indiana car shows

    thanks for the info, i'll check into these, i'm sure there are more than these, so keep the info coming. thanks again.
  16. pacrat

    What have you done that's STUPID?

    ok this one is more shop related, years ago I was working for a guy in a small shop at his house (very rural area) buisness was so good we move into a larger shop, taking an a-frame style gantry which we used with a chain hoist to lift whatever needed lifting, the chain hoist was hung from a...
  17. pacrat

    What have you done that's STUPID?

    Ok, another one, I could be here awhile, A coworker was looking for a minibike for his kids, I just happened to know that a buddy had one for sale. delivered the minibike to the coworker at work , was showing him how well it ran, the throttle stuck, i was heading straight for another coworkers...
  18. pacrat

    What have you done that's STUPID?

    It might be easier to list the couple of not so stupid things i've done, But here goes, The all time stupiest thing i've ever done is to drink a case of beer and think I can still ride a motor cycle, the all time stupidest thing my buddy has ever done is let me ride HIS motorcycle after having...
  19. pacrat

    Age group poll!

    46 in years, grumpy as a 70 year old at times, goofy as a 10 year old other times, not sure if theres an equation for that or not.
  20. pacrat

    Indiana car shows

    Hello, I'm looking for information on car shows in Indiana, primarily ratrod specific, but all info is appreciated.