HMMMMM...Mixed Metaphor or Double Antandre.....that is a conundrum.
I think ironic is if you were to choke to death on a life saver.
Mixed Metaphor = "If we can hit that bullseye then the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards... Checkmate."
A double entendre is a figure of speech in which a spoken phrase is devised to be understood in either of two ways. Often the first (more obvious) meaning is straightforward, while the second meaning is less so: often risqué, inappropriate, or ironic.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines a double entendre as especially being used to "convey an indelicate meaning". It is often used to express potentially offensive opinions without the risks of explicitly doing so.
A double entendre may exploit puns to convey the second meaning. Double entendres tend to rely more on multiple meanings of words, or different interpretations of the same primary meaning; they often exploit ambiguity and may be used to introduce it deliberately in a text.
Sometimes using a homophone (i.e. a different spelling that yields the same pronunciation) can sometimes be used as a pun as well as a "double entendre" of the subject.
I think the coupling of "the first one makes the other one look better" with "Nothing says drink Dr Pepper like a can of Mr Pibb" would kinda fit double entendre...not literally but in the way it is presented...even more deeply ironic than literally ironic.
Don't confuse homophone with bananaphone...
"bananas are like the opposite of traffic lights...
Green means Stop!~don't eat that banana yet!
Yellow means GO... go ahead and eat that banana...
Red... where the hell did you get that banana?"- Mitch Hedberg