You did find it in great condition, so I would think long and hard before getting too radical with it. Full fendered tudors can be VERY mean looking and cool when set up right. Submitted for your approval...
Yes I know it's a Deuce, but you get the idea. Easy to find a clapped out body and hack it up for fun, but it's cool to see someone make something that can really stand apart from the crowd. You have a really good start for something like that. I know you are green, but think about it long and hard before you start doing irreversible damage to that car. Maybe even set it aside and find yourself a little rougher body to start with for a first project. Have fun with it, and move on to this. It is pretty much guaranteed your tastes will change with experience and it would be a shame to look back on this car with regret. And you were definitely right - the hunt is fun! Stow this one away and hunt for something not as painful for a newbie to cut up...