Soltz, I have a number of FE's if that's what you mean by big block. The younger guys call the 429-460's big blocks, and disregard the FE's. I have a stripped down 360 in the shop, and that's the worst of the FE's. There are two 410 FE's, [a 390 with a 428 crankshaft], one burnt badly and one with a valve seat insert broken out and piston mushroomed. The 410s were a good spirited motor.
Back to the '34 Plymouth, I hung some more little things on the motor, like the oil filter cover, the thermostat housing and I made an oil filler spout. It's hanging, drying and in primer. I did quite a bit of Imagineering on the generator placement, as I don't like where it is sticking out beyond the tappet cover.
Snopro, Thanks for the pic of your Dads car. I remember it from some background snaps of your GMC build. I was thinking of having chocolate brown fenders and aprons but the top, Chryslers copper.