He's not done yet...
keep pluggin along bud!
man oh man.. u ever type something and read it and still not notice you screwed it all up... thats me..
I most definitely meant .... The tank would be in place of the power steering box..
So you suggest teeing the port that would normally run to the power steering box with the barbed low pressure over flow into one line and then running those back to the pump.. that seems nice and simple to me.. can it be that easy???
Are you sure that both the outs are low pressure, my understanding (although minimum) is that the threaded fitting is a high pressure outlet... and the barbed fitting is low pressure. All the schematics I have seen say high pressure out on the line that would run to the steering box.. my concern is if a power steering box is reducing the pressure, and if i don't have something inline to drop the pressure will it cause me problems....???
... An older neighbor from down the street stopped by and couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to paint the truck..