The Rat Captain
I would like to know what you boys are doing with the confinement cage in the corner
I think you're holding out on us [ddd
Batting cage[S
I would like to know what you boys are doing with the confinement cage in the corner
I think you're holding out on us [ddd
Batting cage[S
Lot of heat concentrated there. Have you considered fenderwell headers?
Man, with that frame ya'll are putting together, it should ride like a continental!
I would like to know what you boys are doing with the confinement cage in the corner
I think you're holding out on us [ddd
On Engine Masters (on You Tube) they bashed the heck out of a set of headers and lost very little power on the dyno. A few dimples won't hurt.
Very nice build BTW.
anybody else missing the pix on post 106?
I was just thinking that looked like a PITA to fit together.We did some exhaust work today... hung the driver side muffler and piped it to the header. We decided to go without the flange (previously cut off for interference issues) and created a longer, somewhat twisted collector, again for clearance issues...
... it might not look like much, but they were fussy pieces to fit!
You can tell used to pack sardines huh???
Nicely done [cl What are the exhaust hangers from? I'm tired of using the old strap and clamp style, those obviously work well in tight spaces.