Thanks smallfoot.
A little update:
Thursday, I received a package from the flunkies at TCI. The package contained 1.5 pounds of pieces we already have and 0.0 pounds of the pieces we're missing. I guess the picture I sent was too difficult to comprehend, so I sent a new message in several formats... braille, sign language, video with closed captions and a full description written in Mongoloid Chinese.
Back to the car. We decided to go full length with the console experiment. It's quite slim and kind of useless, but we figger it'll look better than an open void. We also want to create an armrest of some sort, which has to be attached to "something"...
We formed a few more pieces and tacked them together. With the perimeter defined, we're happy with the look, so far.
A little tight to the seat, huh? There's a 1/4" gap we created as a bit of an afterthought. With the seat slid forward, that plastic chunk interfered, so we did a little Z pinch to clear. You can hardly see it but it's there, just from the black line back.
Again, we're pretty happy with it. Next, we'll fill the open spaces and make a removeable bubble cover for the shifter, similar to the paper version seen here.