Older, Wiser and Still Buildin'
Oh yeah.....that looks sweet.....
Great work Gold....she's looking mighty fine....[cl
Great work Gold....she's looking mighty fine....[cl
Tires and rims mounted. The truck is finally off the frame table[cl Looks like the ride hight worked out where I wanted it to. It is hard to see but the rear tires are quite a bit taller than the front and wider as well.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the positive comments.
I don't have a box. They are getting kinda expensive up here and I haven't found anyone willing to part with one. Not sure what I'll do yet. I have a plan in my head to build one. Simple box sides with some bead roller work and a bit of fabrication I think I could make one. And that would save an original box for someone else's project one day.
I would like to get the motor running again and see how loud those pipes are. Likely going to need baffles built for it as well.
Hey guys. I appreciate the positive comments. I'm looking for box sides for a 49 Ford 1/2 ton. Thanks for the tip on the Chev parts, but looking for ford stuff for now.
I bought four stake pockets, headbord, and roll panel today. I bought 49 stake pockets because they look better, and a smooth head board from 51. I can get an exact replica tail gate, but they are $400 Will have to think on that one. The box is going to be four feet long. I will build box sides myself. I need some one to bend them. My brake is only 36 inches. It's always something.
[cl [cl [clI bought four stake pockets, headbord, and roll panel today. I bought 49 stake pockets because they look better, and a smooth head board from 51. I can get an exact replica tail gate, but they are $400 Will have to think on that one. The box is going to be four feet long. I will build box sides myself. I need some one to bend them. My brake is only 36 inches. It's always something.