The Rat Captain
Most Outstanding
The niceness brings a tear to an old ford guys eyes [dr
The niceness brings a tear to an old ford guys eyes [dr
Looks great. All your hard work is paying off.[cl [cl [cl
Are the any rubber hood bumpers that fit into the inner top edge of the front fenders on that car?. If there are and they are not yet in place they may help with your hood alignment. If not you could fab some up. Nobody would ever notice them with the hood closed.
Wow, it looks good in the booth, can't wait to see it in the sun! [cl Excellent job DJ! [cl Wanna come do my Lincoln when you get yours all together?[ddd
You' d be surprised on the size. I bet there is probably not as much sheetmetal as the wagon, at least I know there's not as much flat and straight metal. Every piece is curved a bit, even the hood top and the front fenders have some curve to them. It will be a challenge to get it smooth no doubt, I'm just glad 99% of it is fine.
When are you planning on mating the body back to the frame? That is what I'm really looking forward to on yours. [P
I guess I forgot that you had it back on the frame!
Just went through most of this build and I must say that you have done an outstanding job on this car. Thank you for sharing all the goods and bads of this build.