Looks great Dozer!
Looks killer Dozer![cl[cl
I'd forgotten what you'd been through on this build, so I did a refresher course from the first posting, thanks for sticking with it, the result is one cool truck.!!
All the work you poured into it sure shows.
Your mention of Doc brought back memories. With Torchie's passing I started thinking about key members that have left us. Willowbilly, Doc, Gastrick and Torchie. They all meant a lot to me. Everyone else, please stay healthy.
That's a good lookin truck..... well done. What are the front seats out of? They look as good as a set of buddy buckets.
Looks great Dozer!
Good looking truck!
That thing is looking great. Well done Glen.
B e a utiful!!!
Well done!!
Looks great!
You did a fine job on the Fargo Dozer!!![cl
Good work Glen, it looks awesome!