The Rat Captain
Hang in there Eric, good thoughts your way daily and earthman has the right idea,(whosaidthat)
Pulling for you buddy. I hope they can get you leveled up with out the normal shopping bag of pills, which require even more pills for the side affects, then it never ends. I know a 'Nam vet or two who came home with ptsd and now their health is ruined from all the drugs the VA pumped into them....and they still have ptsd. Be careful around those doctor/pill pushers.
As a person that woke up one day determined that I'd had enough and was ready to do the deed to make it stop, I can tell you that there is hope and help out there for PTSD and anxiety attacks.
Don't quit until you find something or someone that can help YOU!!
My faith, My wife, and therapy, in that order, got me to a place where after 42 years I wake up every morning telling myself it is a glorious day to be alive and try to make the most of every day.
Don't sweat the small stuff! (And it's all small stuff)
I hope and pray you find your peace.