29,30,31, Model A Coupe, Roadster, Super Patina, Rat Rod Build

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2014

I made a trip down to southern Missouri over the weekend and picked up a "load" of Model A Ratrod material... [ddd


Then I unloaded this mess and started experimenting with my new found RUSTY GOLD...

First thing I did was cut off the broke azz roof section and start the roadster conversion...:eek:



and this is where I am now... Roadster section is cut to fit and welded in place, doors are welded shut, blah, blah, blah... I did most of my welds on the inside of the body, in an attempt to make it look like the doors still function. Plus... My welding skills suck (now no one can see em') and they suck even worse trying to weld whats left of 80 year old rusty tin, but it all feels secure and I'll be adding more reinforcement and doing some rust patching too.

This is going to stay a rat, PERIOD!!! I'm only going to do rust repair to make the body whole again, but I'm doing the repairs with repurposed other model A rusty metal to keep the "patina" of the metal as close of a match as possible.

That's it for now. Not bad for the first weekend on the project.
Thanks man, it took a lot of hours and careful trimming to get it lined up that close, but I'm lovin it.
Looks cool! It'll flow better if you bring down the tops of the doors to match the rear section. Use .023 wire and as low as setting as you can when welding the thin stuff. If your welds are ugly, the grinder is your friend.
you can put the fake top or just make it the back of a bench seat like the T-buckets has in them .. just a thought ,, looks good anyway .
I went out there and started making my lower panel for below the trunk area. Still working on it, I'll post pics when it's done. [P
Quick question... The main body of my car has the narrower 1/2 inch or so side trim line and the roadster section has the slightly wider 3/4 or so inch side trim line. What years are they? My guess is 30-31 body and 28-29 roadster... Is that correct?:confused:
Quick question... The main body of my car has the narrower 1/2 inch or so side trim line and the roadster section has the slightly wider 3/4 or so inch side trim line. What years are they? My guess is 30-31 body and 28-29 roadster... Is that correct?:confused:

Main body is 30-31, I can confirm that. Not sure on the back half.
Today's progress...

Took the roof from my totaled race car and cut it off the race car...

Made a few measurements and did a little cutting...

grabbed the "baby" sledge hammer, a hunk of flat thick steel, a big C clamp, tightened the piece down on my metal work benck table and did some beatin' and bangin'.... and ended up with this.... [cl

1st step...

2nd step...

3rd step... (finished, except for taking off the paint and decals)

full rear angle view [dr

And badda bing, badda boom, I just saved myself about $60.00 in parts and shipping. PLUS IT'S HAND MADE, NOT BOUGHT!

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