48 ford car axle anygood!!

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Active member
Apr 7, 2014
ho guys , today I picked up a front axle from a 1948 ford car it is a straight axle with the spring behind the axle I got the swaybar &panhard bar ,wishbone everything steering colume even , here's my question is their anyway I could use this on the front of the 30 model a project I'm building , I measured and for one thing the spring is wider and also the front axle would be back to far since it mounts behind the spring , but man I love the looks of that design and the 48 axle has a nice drop ,so has anyone ever did this ,thanks guys
Not most peoples first choice but they have been used.
Some convert them to spring over set ups.
They are the widest of the solid Ford front axles and there might be clearance issue with the wish bones being placed closer to the kingpin stub. Benefits is the cross steer set up helps eliminate bump steer. But usually when they convert them to spring over they use a drag link setup.
There was a famous roadster built back in the day that used a spring in freont set up but a this time I can't remember which one.[S
thankyou guys for the replies , yes it does have the spring in front of the axle , but let me ask this could I use the spindels for my model a axle ,their in great shape that way I could use the hydraulic brakes and backing plate .thanks guys
thankyou guys for the replies , yes it does have the spring in front of the axle , but let me ask this could I use the spindels for my model a axle ,their in great shape that way I could use the hydraulic brakes and backing plate .thanks guys

Yes the spindles will swap onto your A axle as does the 48-52 Ford F-1 spindles and backing plates.
You can also use the Model A spindles and adapt the later backing plates to fit them but it is more work.
Here are a couple of links that you might find useful.
boy thanks torchie , that is helpful , do I just use the 48 kingpins that match the spindle , thanks a lot for the help
Everyone has steered you in the right direction. The 48 front end assembly is big and clunky compared to the earlier stuff, and will work, but isn't the best one for a lot of reasons. But you have a lot of good usable parts there.

The spindles and all the brake parts are a bolt on, and you can split the wishbone, cut the ends off, and put tie rod ends on them to make your own split bones. Then you can use perches to mount a model a width spring atop the axle, or make mounts to hang the spring behind the axle.

I'm running essentially the same setup you are thinking about on my rpu project..........a 32-36 front axle (very similar to 28-31 model a ) and 46-48 Ford spindles and brakes. Makes a nice, easy to get parts for setup.


thanks for the reply and input I started tearing the A axle down ,I'm down to one king pin and it just won't come out , just how much can do I dare heat this up , anyone have any advise
It can be heated but then let it cool back down gradually before you work on it again.
What method are you using to remove it? Press or a Big Hammer and a drift?
Some times the shock of the big hammer works better. If you get it to move try tapping it back down into place and then tapping it back out again. Sort of like working it back and forth.
The pins on my 41 axle were seized. Took it to a shop were they managed to press them out. I suspect it may have been a job as it took them an hour and a half to do it.
thanks for the reply torchie , the lock pin was also tight I had to drill one out after a blacken thumb nail {ouch} and that king pin came right out the other side is another story it just won't move the spindle was shot on that side so I cut the spindle away with the chop saw so now I had the axle with one king pin sticking out about 2 inches so I took a hammer to it and a big rond punch still wouldn't move the finally the top of the king pin broke of flush so now the king pin is flush with the top of the axle so I don't have a very good torch so tried heating it so I got the idea take the arc welder and weld on the end of the pin it made the end of the pin turn red hot but still won't move , I was almost ready to just put the 48 axle on it and have it over with but I have another 30 axle I might try that one
thanks for the reply torchie , the lock pin was also tight I had to drill one out after a blacken thumb nail {ouch} and that king pin came right out the other side is another story it just won't move the spindle was shot on that side so I cut the spindle away with the chop saw so now I had the axle with one king pin sticking out about 2 inches so I took a hammer to it and a big rond punch still wouldn't move the finally the top of the king pin broke of flush so now the king pin is flush with the top of the axle so I don't have a very good torch so tried heating it so I got the idea take the arc welder and weld on the end of the pin it made the end of the pin turn red hot but still won't move , I was almost ready to just put the 48 axle on it and have it over with but I have another 30 axle I might try that one

They an be a PITA to get out. If there is a shop near you that has a press you might have them try to get it out.
On my 41 the lock pin on one side came right out. Not so for the other side.
We used a 20 ton press the first time and nothing budged. Finally sent it to a local machine shop to have them remove everything.
Good luck.
I got the king pin out , here's what I did the 30 model a king pin is hollow so I took my arc welder and laid a bead on the thickest side from top to bottom let it cool down took a big drift and 2lb hammer and whent to work the 4th hit it finally moved about 10 more hits and out it came , man was I happy so now I got the 48 spindels on and tie rod, backing plates turns beautiful ,boy all you guys sure helped me out and a big thanks to all of you
boy Don I am much happier already , yes heat works good , out here where I live their are no machie shops so you have to be able to figure it out on your own ,and that's a reason why I love this forum so much all the helpful people , thanks again for the replys and help

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