Time was when I would borrow a trailer and beg some help and spend hours crawling around on the frozen ground to save a couple bucks. I have gotten smarter, hell even walmart oil changes are a bargain if you use good oil and double check the drain plug. So I ordered a tow, 130 bucks and a total bargain. Because the truck bought on the statement that it rolled, didnt, the brakes were frozen solid. and the tires were flat on widowmaker rims. I cant even imagine how hardcore I would have to be to attempt this with a borrowed trailer.
time to shake it off, no not the taylor swift joint, he literally had to use the hydraulics to shake the truck off the flatbed. I was so fascinated I forgot a vid but he put it right where I wanted it. if you pay attention, the wheels havent rotated at all haha. not regretting the tow x100
wife aggravate, activate! actually she loves this one, this is her favorite of them all.
I couldnt get the doors open when I looked at it, the seller jumped in the window to try and get the doors open but I lack the svelte physique. rather than looking like the truck was birthing a large baby (I have a hilarious story about climbing in a sunroof I might tell sometime), I fiddled around with the door latch, easy because the drivers window is off the track. and viola!
Then I shut it. HUBRIS! no amount of fiddling opened it again. I finally got the can of penetrant and was able to duplicate my accidental success about 10 hours later.
it came with a spare passenger door, so I have to assume there is something wrong with it. If not, I will sell the extra door!
More on the 49 soon, this was a fun distraction but I actually have progress on the 49.