Well-known member
Well it's been a long time since I've posted any updates here. So here it goes. The main thing I've been working on is the box, which as you already know is based around using parts of 58 Buick 1/4's, chrome and tail lights. This is where I started.
I had the fab shop down the road from our shop roll a couple box side panels for me and I picked them up today. I started fitting my 58 Buick fins and tail lights into them . The first thing I had to do was lay the oringinal 1/4 panel over my new box sides.
I laid out all the pertinent points that need to be delt with and then started triming off what I don't need.
I had the fab shop down the road from our shop roll a couple box side panels for me and I picked them up today. I started fitting my 58 Buick fins and tail lights into them . The first thing I had to do was lay the oringinal 1/4 panel over my new box sides.
I laid out all the pertinent points that need to be delt with and then started triming off what I don't need.