Crusty Rusty Old Rat Rodder!
Very sweet little ride![P[P
With four positions on each switch, and a toggle, you could set up an ignition lock with an almost unbreakable code. That would be fun.I found this cool old switch out of a Korea era jet. I think it was meant to control duel magnetos but I'm not completely sure. It's set up strangely but I think that I have sorted out a way to split the 3 switches and use them individually. I plan to run a fuel pump override, a fan override, and eventually an override for my compressor for the air ride (once I finally scrape together enough cash to set that up!)
I also have my rear end just about ready to go in. I'll need to fab some new lowering blocks for it and sort out a traction bar setup. Hopefully next winter I will be able to 4 link and bag the back but for now leaves and traction bars will do.
You're making lots of good progress willyD. Gonna be a nice ride.