Thanks to everyone for the comments. I got the frame rattle canned flat black this weekend. That will be all the paint work done on the truck other than some pinstriping when its done. Gathering parts now to button up some things before putting the cab back on the frame. I'm really digging how everything is working out on the truck and comments like you all have left just motivate me more. Thanks.
Got new rotors, brake pads, wheels, and tires on today. It lowered the front about 1.5". Now gotta get new rotors and pads on before I put the back wheels on.
Well, not been doing a lot on the truck. My other hobby has took presence the last few weeks. First and second pic is me on our 53 minneapolis moline UB. Originally 40HP now upwards of 135HP and 1100 ft lb of torque. The third pic is my brother on our 59 minneapolis moline GVI. Originally 60HP is now upwards of 275HP on propane gas. Over 900ci in motor. Thought these pics may interest a few of you.