been awhile since my last update. alot going on in my life. Started going to church, thus living up to the name, and suddenly there went sundays. Serious marrage problems (wont get into it, but councelling and there goes most of saturday) still working 12 hour days, so no real time to work. Got back on it today.
Went to the bone yard and picked up a cross member for a ford. greasy, but perfect for my needs. started cleaning it up today. Also cutting out the old crossmember.
Came up with a design plan on the grill. The plan was always to make something that Ted Ornas would look at and say "hmm, i should have done that." (for you non IHC guys, Ted designed everything IHC from 1953 till the company quit building light trucks in 1980) I plan to pull out the center bar and replace it with black wire mesh. then put an IHC script emblem off a 60's loadstar buss in the middle of it.