The Rat Captain
Sure is a nice looking ride [cl will be sad to see it go, I've been lucky with my sales, they all went far far away and I didn't have to see them again. [cl
July has been a tough month for us...I developed Plantar Fasciitis that makes it hard to stand or walk much...then I developed a mysterious inflammation that causes muscle and nerve spasms in my neck, shoulders and back.and yesterday a big chunk of one of the exterior adobe walls of our house fell out, exposing some really serious structural problems. Long story short, I think I need to get the front end fixed, have an alignment done, then sell the car to help finance a trailer house so we'll have a place to live after we knock the house down. I may need to go back to work, as well, if anyone will hire a 67 year old who can't walk or turn his head.I wonder what a 67-year-old "gently used" kidney is worth on the open market these days.
If things work out (and I win the lottery), I'll post any further progress on the car here. If not, I'll post a for sale ad in the appropriate thread.
Ok, been a month. How is it going bud?