Billy - He's a tip on a good collar for you pup, something I've used on my big dogs over the years. Get over to you local farm supply and get a Dairy Cow Collar. They are about 40" long and 1 1'2 or 2" sizes. I use the smaller size on the female dogs. They have a nice big D-ring on them that's easy to get two fingers in if you need to grab you dog in pinch.
Cut it down to size and use a leather punch to put in the holes. They cost about $15 for leather. The same collar for a dog would be $50. I use Neet's Foot oil on mine and they last for the life of you dog.
Powerhouse dogs can pull hard on a narrow collar and hurt their windpipe. A wider collar will protect them from their own strength.
If the dogs are going swimming I switch over to a chain collar.