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Rat Rods Rule

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A *real* tin magnet
Dec 10, 2007
Black Hills South Dakota
Kinda long, sorry. had to share.

The End of a Lifetime....

by Roy Mackey

The end of a lifetime...

Do you ever get the feeling that if you moved into a typical old house that you would just grow old and die there. Only to have the property owner, children or whoever else come by and heave everything you owned in the dumpster? That is one thought that has haunted me in the past. In fact I saw that happen at a garage sale not long ago. The tenant, an obvious handy man had access to the garage and basement suite for years. He had filled every space with really good junk and valuable tools. In fact sorta like I have been doing here at the ARC....

After he died, the landlord had the authorities dispose of the body and then he was stuck with unpaid rent. This was tragic as he still had the mortgage to pay and the banks weren’t giving him any breaks. Thus in order to recoup some of his losses he dug up someone to drag all the deceased guys crap out into the yard. He then pinned up a couple of yard sale signs to attract vultures, not unlike myself, to hoard over the deceased guys stuff like flies on ****. We were all grabbing things in a vulture like frenzy while the landlord, puffing on a big stogie and sipping a cold beer, sat there in his lawn chair barking out prices... five bucks!... two bucks!.... free!... fifty cents... Just like coyotes ruthlessly feeding on a wounded fawn we shredded that man's tribute to his life limb from limb.

Later on when the landlord kicked the garage door open the frenzy flared up all over again. It was like an old time 1/2 price hat sale at Simpson Sears with women pulling each others hair just to get the better hat. Except here it was mostly men desperate for a deal on some junk they did not need or would likely ever use. Just some stuff to stash in their sheds in order to feed the vultures that would be on them the day they died. It was grab what you could as quick as you could. The prices were so cheap who cared if you "needed" it. A half hour or so later all that was left was a few picked clean bones.

The landlord had been well fed with cash and appeared very contented. You could see he was already planning a visit to the Brick to scope out that new "lazy boy" recliner he was eyeballing. Plus his wife, who was also there, could hardly wait to pick up a couple more tubes of wrinkle filler with her cut of the take.

Eventually the rest of us slowly dissipated to find another fresh kill to feed on.

It was a nice sunny Saturday afternoon complete with puffy big white clouds and blue sky. The birds chirped loudly as sun beamed down. As I was leaving myself I sensed the spirit of some man lurking in another dimension around us. He had been watching this feeding frenzy and was learning a very tough lesson… we never really own anything for long. In the end I sensed the spirit had realized something big. He was finally free of the desperate attachment to those possessions. All of us vultures had just eaten his burden of ownership and now we had more stuff to guard and horde over just like he had. None of that junk was free or cheap. With it came the burden of ownership and with that we too were destined to go through that same experience, watching wolves tear apart and devour what we passionately created to mark our life with.

Truly a fascinating moment to say the least.
Yeah, I got the idea the first time I saw a roll off container full of someones entire life. Keepsakes, photo albums, and a lot of junk that meant something to the recently dead. The way I see it, we're not much more than tourists here for 80+ years with luck, and 50 years after that not much more than a forgotten name on a rock.
Yeah, these old vehicles we love, we never really own them, we're just their caretakers for a while. As with all the other stuff we acquire in a lifetime. When we're gone, somebody else will have it to do what they want to with it, trash it or treasure it.

Have you ever went into a store or a restaurant decorated with antique tools and old pics? Every time I do, I can almost see when these things were new, shiny and prized by their new owners. The pics often show family members sitting or standing together, their appearance frozen in time forever to be seen by people years and years later, not knowing who they were, their life story, or anything about them. Much the same as in the story, these things were somebodies pride and joy at one time, now just relics from the past.
And if you're lucky, when your gone somebody will carve your name on a rock and put it over your head. And if you're not, the end result is still the same, nobody will remember you in several years, but with that carved rock somebody might know where you are....
Having just been slapped in the face with my own mortality, I'll gladly say that I've been striving to ask friends and family to tell me of anything of mine that they would want when I'm gone. Steadily, I'm making sure that happens now...
I put it in my will that all of my tools and stuff will go to my nephew. My wife wouldn't know what to do with it and this way she doesn't have to referee with the other relatives. Other than my nephew the others would just sell it. Every time I see him he laughs and asks how much longer I plan on living:D
There'll be a point in time when I'll be the least interested person about what happens to my collection of junk...Unless I can find the key to immortality.
This is why I've been offering "Free" stuff to people who can use it. I know in my mind it maybe be worth $10, $20 or even $50 but I am not going to use it and all it does is cause clutter and worry. Best to just be shut of it and have your sanity back.
very depressing reading this page about your life long treasures being **** away.

I really hope to rid myself of this huge ball and chain of possessions before much longer, maybe 3 years. Then take the money and travel while I can. When the money's gone, I'll be finished here. My Harley Snap On tool box with my lifetime collection of tools will go to some deserving young gearhead.

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