a serious question for you guys......

Rat Rods Rule

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Aug 15, 2008
oxford - england
is there an easy way to gain perm res into the us without going thru all the never ending red tape, and stay legally over there so i aint looking over my shoulder all the time ??
we'v been chasing ourselves around in circles on different websites getting different answers to this :(
we'd have enough money put away to be able to buy a house and, failing finding any work straight away, be able to support ourselves for at least 3 years but this isnt enough it would seem :confused:

i know all countrys have to be careful about letting just anyone in (legally ;)) well, apart from england as i seems anyone can wander in and then claim whatever they like :mad: but seeing as we wouldn't be being a burdon on the country why is it made so difficult ???

does anyone know a way in ????

thanks all
chris :)
Apart from marrying a US citizen, I'm afraid the long sticky tape mess is the only option. Even marrying in is still at least a three year process.

My engineer, Namboo just about has his green card. He's been here since 1999.:eek:
hmmmm, not sure my mrs will go along with that option :D

forgive my ignorance (and me for being nosey) but how has your engineer stayed for so long with out a green card, just on extending visas or ??

its a pity as we'v found a lovely house in AZ (sierra vista) thats well affordable :(
His previous boss/company kind of screwed him over. They were supposed to help get his green card application started years ago, but didn't.:mad: He's been ok by extending his visa, but was obviously somewhat restricted. He's been with us since 2004 and is just now in the final stage of acceptance.

I'll be as glad as him when it's over...not sure which is worse, him ranting about the process, or him ranting about Obama!:eek:

I was shocked at some of the strange things our company had to do. Like at one time we had to put a major ad in the paper to try to hire someone to replace him...not 100% sure why, I think it was to make sure there wasn't an American available who needed his job (seems pretty crooked to me). Then they had to put up a memo revealing his income. I hung it in an obscure location so noone would really notice it, but if the inspector guy came we would be in compliance. Don't know what the point of that was either!

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