Ha! As a RRR post ho, you'd think I'd know enough to post pics! Yeah, it's been SLOW going.
Took until spring to finally get the building finished because of the constant wind and bad weather. Got the floor poured shortly after - it was a little too hot of mix (the temps rose more than expected that day) so the edges are a little ruff in spots, but no big deal since I plan to wall the inside.
Ran wiring to it, a 100amp panel, one 110 outlet, one 220 outlet and a light inside along with new trenched heavier wire to my old out building. New meter with breakers took for ever to get done - every time the power company was scheduled to come out a storm would blow through and they'd have to reschedule - took almost 3 months.
Ran out of money, so moved all the junk I'd been storing at my old place along with more junk I picked up along the way. Didn't realize how much I had stuffed into that 24x24 garage!
(The sign was the first thing in it - thanks Earthman.)