Acts of automotive stupidity

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2012
Sherwood Park, Alberta
On Sunday I put a shift kit in my 46 GMC's TH400. With the trans still in the truck it was a bit challenging, but I had it up on the lift and got it all buttoned up. When I went to fill it, I grabbed a jug of trans fluid off the oil shelf. It seemed quite full, smelled a bit odd, but was red. When I put almost the full volume in, I checked the colour again. Dark brown.

When I dispose of used oil, I put it back in old oil jugs and take it to the recycle center. Usually I mark them, but this one may have missed that, and when I moved it may have got missed as being used. So I'm not 100% sure I didn't fill it with a mixture of used motor oil, trans fluid, etc. Luckily I didn't run it, so I have to drop the pan and refill it with new trans fluid and should be good.

Hopefully that helps some guys feel better about the things they do in the shop. :p
:eek: I changed the oil and filter in my 2014 Ram diesel the other day (12 quarts) and didn't put the drain plug back in it so, I had 12 quarts of used and 12 quarts of new that was only good for starting brush fires :(
Like Pops said it only gets worse the older ya get.
Such incidents might [will] occur more frequently the older you get!!!!:mad::eek:[S

That's not a good forecast, pops.

:eek: I changed the oil and filter in my 2014 Ram diesel the other day (12 quarts) and didn't put the drain plug back in it so, I had 12 quarts of used and 12 quarts of new that was only good for starting brush fires :(
Like Pops said it only gets worse the older ya get.

Haha, oh no! That makes me feel better about my own stupidity, thanks OI ;)[cl
Haha, yep. I definitely have those moments. Often I keep them to myself, this time I thought I'd share so you guys could relate.

I`m glad you did. Personally I never do anything that stupid, but it is good to know it`s a common thing just in case... :)
Saw a couple of guys pour a gallon of gas out of a antifreeze jug into a hot radiator one night. Well, really I saw the fireball erupt about treetop high! Stopped with them, strangely enough the fire went out on it’s own and didn’t burn the car down, and the guy doing the pouring only lost his eyebrows! Never would have thought gas would explode like that without a spark or flame. Maybe one of them had a lit lighter, don’t remember now, too many years ago. Do know that was two scared white black boys!:eek:
Saw a couple of guys pour a gallon of gas out of a antifreeze jug into a hot radiator one night. Well, really I saw the fireball erupt about treetop high! Stopped with them, strangely enough the fire went out on it’s own and didn’t burn the car down, and the guy doing the pouring only lost his eyebrows! Never would have thought gas would explode like that without a spark or flame. Maybe one of them had a lit lighter, don’t remember now, too many years ago. Do know that was two scared white black boys!:eek:

Yeah, since the autoignition temperature of gasoline is 536 °F (280 °C), so it's unlikely it was autoignition, but who know. Still scary! A good reminder to label your stuff and make sure you know what you're pouring in.
Yeah, since the autoignition temperature of gasoline is 536 °F (280 °C), so it's unlikely it was autoignition, but who know. Still scary! A good reminder to label your stuff and make sure you know what you're pouring in.

Yeah, they probably had lawnmower gas in the trunk and just grabbed the wrong jug. I keep gas in oil jugs for the yard equipment, two stroke mixed gas jug is marked so they don’t end up with pure gas being poured into them. Antifreeze jugs only get water or antifreeze, never gas or oil.
You’d think the smell would be clue [S

Yeah, you would!

These two boys were lit up pretty good. Don’t know if they were smoking or drinking, but they weren’t feeling no pain. Even after losing his eyebrows, the one was still full of giggles! Partner and me left them, we sure didn’t want to get behind them on the road!
Yeah, you would!

These two boys were lit up pretty good. Don’t know if they were smoking or drinking, but they weren’t feeling no pain. Even after losing his eyebrows, the one was still full of giggles! Partner and me left them, we sure didn’t want to get behind them on the road!

Would be better than getting caught in front of them...[ddd:D
:eek: I changed the oil and filter in my 2014 Ram diesel the other day (12 quarts) and didn't put the drain plug back in it so, I had 12 quarts of used and 12 quarts of new that was only good for starting brush fires

Been there done that (5 QTS) Didn't hear it running on the ground. :mad:
I dropped the pan again yesterday. It definitely wasn't the nice red fluid that was supposed to be present, so my concern was correct and I'm glad I figured it out before I ran it!

It moves forward and back, but we got about 7" of snow since yesterday morning so it will be a bit before I can actually try it out with the shift improver :(
I dropped the pan again yesterday. It definitely wasn't the nice red fluid that was supposed to be present, so my concern was correct and I'm glad I figured it out before I ran it!

It moves forward and back, but we got about 7" of snow since yesterday morning so it will be a bit before I can actually try it out with the shift improver :(

Good catch and good luck.

Two co workers (I swear I was not involved!) also did the oil on floor minus drain plug deal. The one guy caught it while adding the first quart and was laying under the van with his finger in the drain because he didn't know where the other guy put the plug. Yelled for 15 minutes while the other guy was on the phone with his wife. Finally gave up and let the rest run out.

I guess the last one I did was trying to start a flooding Holley without the air cleaner on, causing a barbecue pit at a car show. Now my car pulls up and there is a line waiting for burgers. (friendly teasing)
When we were in school, my sister poured about a half gallon of used motor oil that was in an antifreeze jug in the radiator of her car and ran it, Made a hell of a mess. Lol

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