An open letter to all the new members.

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
So many of you have come over to visit us in the last few days that it is hard to welcome each and every one of you properly, but we all want you to know that we do welcome you and appreciate you being here.

To give you a little history of this forum, many of the original members on here were members on another forum, but we saw some things happening that we didn't care for. Things like flaming, foul language, and generally disrespecting other members point of view. Bob (Tripper) with his own money started this little clubhouse for us to hang out in and right away it felt like home. It is not the biggest forum on the net, and sometimes there are not a ton of subjects going on, but in the whole time I have been a member I have yet to see a time when I couldn't log on and have a pleasant conversation with friends and learn a trick or two.

We also realize the words rat rod strike some cords with some rodders, but please don't let that scare you or turn you off. While the main thrust is cars that are built by guys and gals in their own garages and that may lack some shiny paint and chrome, we also are very big on safety. Every one on here tries to build their cars as well as they can so that they are safe for them and every other driver on the road. Sometimes we have to question a builder on some aspect of his/her car, but we try to do it as respectfully and constructively as possible.

There is also no distinction to us about whether you have a rat rod, street rod, hot rod, custom, or whatever............we welcome all car enthusiasts with open arms. For example, I am not truly a rat rodder per se, but the members who do like that genre' tolerate me and encourage my projects.

I think if you all take the time to hang out with the others on here for a while you will learn to appreciate all of them and form friendships. I was just honored to finally meet a couple of members of this and other forums when I went to Turkey Run, and now have faces to put with the posts they do. I also met some very nice members of the HAMB while there and they treated me as if we had known each other for years.

It seems all of you who have taken your time to join and do an intro are super nice people and we are sure your being here will only make this forum better and better. Thank you for coming.

The Rodfather!

Thanks for that explanation for the new folks. I just wanted to add that Don was one of the original members & one heck of a nice guy & he & his son's are *very* talented car nuts. 24Dodge has suggested we elect Don as RRR's "Rodfather"!!! ; - >

I agree!!!

Don is the best guy I never met , I suggested that to Tripper in appreciation for all the things Don has done for all of us , he is what this website is all about :)
I agree, Don is THE "Rodfather"! I've learned alot from him,and apperciate his opinion! Thanks Don! And agree with his post about the forum....grouchy
Geez, I'm blushing!! :D All that is nice, but the facts are, the entire membership of this forum, from Tripper on down, make it what it is. This is what rodding is all about, nice people helping other nice people.

But thanks anyways guys, I appreciate it.

Thanks For The Welcome , I Am Glad You Welcome All , (i Am A Streetrodder By Heart ). But I Am Looking To Build A Rot Rod , But I Need To Learn More About Them .
Thanks Again,

Thanks For The Welcome , I Am Glad You Welcome All , (i Am A Streetrodder By Heart ). But I Am Looking To Build A Rot Rod , But I Need To Learn More About Them .
Thanks Again,

Lots of guys here have several different types of cars & we're *all* hotrodders... right!?!?!? Anyway... we'd love to see u're street rod if u still 1 or would love to follow along with u're ratty rod build. If u need help... there's lots of it here & plenty of inspiration too!!!

Thanks For The Welcome , I Am Glad You Welcome All , (i Am A Streetrodder By Heart ). But I Am Looking To Build A Rot Rod , But I Need To Learn More About Them .
Thanks Again,

Keith, as far as learning more about rat rods, let me offer this: On several forums I have seen the question posed "what is a rat rod?" Invariably, if 100 people respond you get 100 different answers. It's kinda like the old thing about porn...........I can't describe it but know it when I see it. :D

Here is my interpretation: I know a lot of old time rodders take offense at the belief that some rat rodders have that rat rods are like the cars we used to build "back in the day." Hot rodders say they tried to do things right and being in primer and rust was only until paint could be afforded. That might be true in some places where there was more disposable income, but as a kid growing up in the '50's and '60's, I saw a whole bunch of hot rods that sure looked like many of the rat rods look today.

I myself had a '33 Ford coupe turned roadster that was very crude. I had little money, few tools, didn't know what I was doing, but had a burning desire to own a car like I saw in the hot rod magazines. I never did get that one on the road, but I learned a lot from it. My second project was a little better, a '32 Ford pickup with the top cut off, channelled, home built frame, Olds engine, etc. But it was still a little rough around the edges.

Finally, I see rat rods as coming from two different types of owners. One type is the guy or gal who sees it as a culture and likes the "in your face" attitude of it. Sort of like thumbing your nose at society, or being a rebel. The second type is simply a rodder who is either brand new to the hobby and wants something basic and not overly expensive, or, sometimes it is a seasoned rodder who is burned out on seeing row after row of cookie cutter hot rods and wants to do something refreshing and different.

In any event, I see rat rods evolving from the ones that used questionable parts just for the sake of shock value. The latest versions seem to be built by people who want to actually drive them and make them safe and dependable. Those are just my opinions and observations. Ask the other 99 guys and you will get 99 other views. :D

I would also agree that Don is the Rodfather.I met him on another forum and I have learned alot from him.We are on a few differnt forms together as well.He has a wealth of information.I have never met him in person but one day we will run into each other at some run in the future.I still think he was a Hot Rod Shop Teacher in another life.If you ever post something that you are not sure of.Don usually can chime in on a very good how to fix it with pictures and very easy to follow instructions that go into very good detail.

I am glad to have spent times on forums with Don.He is a really unique contributor.
I have to say i have observed major incoming rushes on other boards but this is a decent goodhearted bunch showing up here at the 'ol triple R. Welcome :)

I sure hope alot of you guys stick around, seems like a good bunch. The infusion of new people and ideas might be a good thing for RRR. I have been here for most of the life of RRR and I can tell you, it is my favorite place to hang. As for the RodFather, no question there.
you da man

well said Don, always enjoy your input. your how i built the t is my bible. just ot done redoing my under dash bracing for my steering col. went right to your picsfor help. I guess I am Bi got a street rod and a ratrod and I hang out here and over there.LFE
Well said Don (Rodfather). If you guys wanna see a start to finish build, with great workman ship, go to Don's t-build. Lots of pics and good advise. If I ever build my own frame, I will use that thread as a build bible.

I got into "patina rods" because I like to drive my rod. I had a "show" rod and was always worried about the first chip/scratch or puddles. Sold the 32', which I don't miss, and drive the heck out of my 31'. Lots more fun.

I got into "patina rods" because I like to drive my rod. I had a "show" rod and was always worried about the first chip/scratch or puddles. Sold the 32', which I don't miss, and drive the heck out of my 31'. Lots more fun.

I saw u're '31 in lots of mags this year too!

The "don"

A big hardy welcome to all the new members flowing in here the past few days. I was starting to wonder just what the heck was going on there for a while. :D.

Don you definately are the Rodfather. I very glad your little insident didn't turn out worse. It will be nice to keep you and your great tallent here with us for a looooonngg time to come. Tripper, you deserve a big thanks to for laying to ground work on a great sight. Cudos guys. Now everybody "CONGA"!

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