An open letter to all the new members.

Rat Rods Rule

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one more bow to the rodfather. i too feel like home here. i too learn something everytime i come here. i too came from the other site after the flaming began.
Well said Don,And many thanks To Trip for giving us a fun place to hang out and shoot the breeze and swap info.:D

And Thanks to the Mod for keeping a good eye on things........
Why y'all talkin bout dancin,

I thought we was talkin Bout Don "The Rodfather"

those are some big boots to fill, Hope you got big feet....:D
I think the admin should go ahead and "rodfather" as Don's title under his screen name. I got to meet Don at the TRR. He and his sons are first class people.
I found the link on that other site. This seems like an awesome place. And while I am part of the growth spurt let me add something FWIW.
I was one of the first 20 or so members of FORDification a few years ago and it started out as a great bunch of guys helping each other, sharing joys and sorrows,being supportive and in general enjoying 67-72 Ford trucks. It is still a good place but with growth a lot young keyboard tough guys started registering, guys who may or may not ever see a running project but are always on the general discussion talking trash. Most of us older guys have kind of backed off to some degree and even Keith, the guy who runs it, doesn't post near as much anymore.
Well, I just hope that doesn't start here, and I am also glad all of you (us) can still use the english language and not that horrible text message language.
What you describe was precisely what happened on the other forum I mentioned. It started out very small and it was comprised of members who knew how civilized people talk and act. Suddenly it was discovered and the membership shot up dramatically overnight, however with that growth came some people who didn't want to play by any rules.

I and some others just bailed out because the handwriting was on the wall as to how it was going to go. Bob was one of those people and he took his money and his time to start this forum. The nice thing is that Bob is not shy about pulling the plug on someones privilages to participate in this forum, and has done it on several occasions. The rules here are very simple.........we do not flame one another, we use asterisks if we feel the need to swear (the F bomb is totally not accepted), no cheesy nudie pictures, and we realize ladies and kids sometimes lurk or post here, so we are respectful of that. Aside from those normal requests we don't limit members to any topic or question. You probably will never hear someone on here chastise another member for posting something that has been covered 100 times before, we just answer it again with a smile.

Some people have come on and found they prefer a little edgier format where the rules do not include those restrictions. That is their choice, and there are lots of other forums for them to go to. We happen to like it the way it is here and applaude Tripper for keeping it PG. I would not be afraid to let any youngster read any of the posts on here at any time.

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Just a quick note to express my admiration for both Don and this site. Don is a wonderful mentor to all wanting to learn about about this great hobby and it's great to have found a classy site that welcomes all who want to learn and share their ideas without judgement.
Just wanna add my $0.02 worth: Only been coming here & joined a few days ago,but from what I've read in the past few days this seems like a great bunch of helpful people.I too,am a fugitive from another Forum .I grew very tired of the flaming of some people that asked for help Seemed it was OK for certain people to ask,but not OK for others. Heaven help if you asked about anything except old tin..yet there was lots of replies about "what color should I stripe my shop refrigerator ??"..etc
My interest is in cars & car people..I care not what kind,name ,brand,paint,finish,unfinished,built it,bought it,drive it ,trailer it,.....just as long as it's something you enjoy and don't mind sharing tips with others...It's OK with me
Finally, I see rat rods as coming from two different types of owners. One type is the guy or gal who sees it as a culture and likes the "in your face" attitude of it. Sort of like thumbing your nose at society, or being a rebel. The second type is simply a rodder who is either brand new to the hobby and wants something basic and not overly expensive, or, sometimes it is a seasoned rodder who is burned out on seeing row after row of cookie cutter hot rods and wants to do something refreshing and different.

Being my first post here, I was glad to see somebody put this up here. :thumbsup: :cool:

Being the long-haird, gottee'd hippie dude that I am this is the aspect of the 'rat rod' I am into. Oh yea, cant forget the whole 'going fast thing' too. :cool:

I do enjoy the idea of street rods, show cars, and hand built vehicles of all kinds (I come from a 4x4 background) But I am seeing more and more of people throwing money at car builders and having little to no imput on the outcome, this aspect of the car building 'hobbie' or 'sport' dosnt excite me.

I have only been here for a couple days, and found some awsome tech, pictures, and some excellent ideas for my newest 52chevy pu project. I call it project 'cheep bastid' I want to drop it, chop it, and be driving it for under $1000. :eek:
I have to say I've been on RRR for a few months and have ask a lot of (dumb) questions. But at the time they were NOT bumb to me I needed an answer. And that is what I always get. And it has helped me out more than I can say. So Don and Tripper my hat is off to you for your help when I've needed it and for the respect both of you show to everyone who needs your help and advice. Rodfather I like that it fits you should be proud. On all the other sites I'm on I'm called a DARKSIDER because I'm putting a350 TPI in my 50F1, But not here. Thank You Both. RUSTY
Please guys, stop.:D Very nice thoughts and words, but totally untrue. I'm just one of the guys in the trenches here and there are members whose skills make me look like a beginner. I've seen some of their work, and they do some stuff I could never begin to do.

In fact, my Son Dan's standard comment to me when he sees me doing something on my car is "you aren't REALLY going to do it that way, are you?" :D (Well, I WAS, but guess I'm not NOW !)

This forum is so rich with people who work so hard to help others and pass along their wisdom that it would be unfair of me to single out any one of them by mentioning their names, but the people on here know who they are, and the new guys will soon learn their names too.

This is Trippers house, and we wouldn't have it to play in if he hadn't gotten it going and continues to work so hard to keep it up and running smoothly. Frankly, I don't know how he does it. No matter what time of day or night you log on, there he is. Maybe their are several clones of him around. :D

So thank you for making an old man feel good, but please heap your comments onto the people who really deserve it, and that would be the entire membership of this fine forum.

It is great to have the general spirit about enjoying the build and driving. We all want to make a statement with our rods, some want the more extreme cartoon rod thing like how low can you get, some build on the cheap, some can afford new Brookville duece bodies.
I think my only criteria is that it didn't get there on a trailer and that you don't spend more time setting by it in a lawn chair than you do driving it.
Glad I found you

Hi, I'm one of the new guys that this post is for. I am trying to find info and tips on building a rat rod. I posted on another site that I have a hot rod and want to build a rat and the first reply was that they didn't like to hear about rat rods. That was my first post and my last. I'm glad I found you guys. I have already seen that I can come here with any questions and they will be answered. I'm working on a 50 Chevy truck and am going to chop the top with no experience, but a lot of desire to do it myself. You're all going to be a Rodfather to me. And as far as dancing goes I'm just getting the "Stirring The Pot" down. Harleyboy
I guess that I'll fit right in then.
What I'm building doesn't fit any description that is pure, it's not a 'rat rod' by some people's definitions, it's not a 'street rod' because it won't be pretty enough and it can't be a 'hot rod' because I'm using a glass body.
All I wanted was to build something I LIKE.
Sounds like this is the place.
Yes they are....

it can't be a 'hot rod' because I'm using a glass body.
All I wanted was to build something I LIKE.

There are some VERY nice glass body cars on this forum, and believe me, they are hot rods.
Like you said, it's about what you like. Enjoy.... '22

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