220 is WAY too rough to paint over. Paint will never cover 220 scratches. I'd slap some 800 or 1000 grit on a DA, buzz over the side real quick, then have at it again. You only need to open the surface enough to accept more paint and take any bugs or dust out of the paint. Looking good, can't wait to see it done.
Yep, you're right Rusty, 220 is way to rough for paint. I meant to say 400. I have been sanding and priming my cowl section all weekend and had 220 on my mind..Thanks for catching that.
You speak my language! Let's see some pics of that bad Datsun. I'll bet that baby's got some G-force.I just read through the build, you are a sick, silly man, kind a person who would put a turbo LS1 engine in a 73 datsun 610.......wait, thats me! [cl
Me too, Gas. I think I finallly got the headers to fit; I had to notch the frame on both sides and cut off two header tubes and reweld them at a different angle to make it work. You thing ther'd be all kinds of room in this thing but the frame rails are a little narrow for a big block. I'll be on it all day today so we'll post some pics tonight. Thanks for watching, that's half the fun when other people appreciate what you're doing.I can't wait to see this thing doing smokey burnouts falconvan. Man will it ever make some people do this.....[S
Once again, FV, nice work. I 'spose the frame was designed for an inline. The designers weren't figuring that some crazy guy from Missouri would stuff a big block in it one day.