Reverend D
Well-known member
I just quit going on KB because post would disappear. I wasn't being a smartass or anything or saying anything derogatory about anyone's rod. I mean if they dig it cool, if I like it I'll say so, if not I keep it to myself. The only time I might say something if it looks like what's proposed is gonna get someone killed from something fabricated badly. Not only that, but I was following some very cool thread's (Like Donut's 50's fenderless truck) and then the whole thread was gone and they'd offer no reason and even in some cases even acknowledge it had even existed. I'm not privy to what someone might be saying to Admin in private, but didn't see anything that warranted some of the ban's or post disappearing. They're Admin has a very narrow focus on what he allows or likes and tends to press his views on others. Hey if I wanted that sort of censorship or attitude I'd go hang out on that 'traditional' rod site whose name is something you'd make a sandwich out of. 

Rev. Don
Rev. Don