Yup, got out of control ...
Good advice from Bam on page #1 Dave ....god knows I need to keep reading it .
True, and I should have heeded that advice earlier, but didn't think it would become a problem. The more the merrier, right? Nope. Sold the BMW, had some money and went looking on craigslist, and the OCD kicked in. New Year's resolution is to stop doing that! Done. 'Bama was right, and I should have listened, but Enthusiasm won out over Practicality. "A man's gotta know his limitations."
Having 4 projects out back is indeed daunting, so I've put a couple up for sale locally, if only to relieve a little of the "pressure." Had an offer on one, but not quite enough to break even, so asked for a little more money; no response yet. The '90 GMC Suburban is sold; one less headache.
Psychologically, it may have been an unwise choice to move them all under the awning and into workable positions. That added to the confusion and clutter, so going to push a couple out and focus on just one (or two). That should help!? [S
And what's wrong with a 6 banger ???
Using a 6 banger would be easier, since there is one on the engine hoist. A 6 in the Pontiac would be fine for now, and would not require swapping out the rear end for something able to handle more power. My right foot is rather heavy, and would likely break the diff. All that can come later, and it would really help matters if some progress was made. So yeah, another good idea.
Thanks for the post, it has really helped me sort out some of this mess. [cl