A *real* tin magnet
I got the bug. I wanted a garden tractor for my garden. I scored this old Sears with a 16 horse onan twin for $50. Runs good on the jug but needs the typical fuel system clean up.
Then last week I got this Case at a yard/estate sale for $40. It is all hydraulic drive, lift and pto but only 10 horse Kohler. It also ran up on carb clean after I filed the points.
And I am looking for more. I eventually would like to have a 18-20 horse hydrostatic one but also have dedicated tractor for each task so I don't have to switdh from tiller to snowblower ect.
Then last week I got this Case at a yard/estate sale for $40. It is all hydraulic drive, lift and pto but only 10 horse Kohler. It also ran up on carb clean after I filed the points.
And I am looking for more. I eventually would like to have a 18-20 horse hydrostatic one but also have dedicated tractor for each task so I don't have to switdh from tiller to snowblower ect.