B17 "Aluminum Overcast" Flight

Rat Rods Rule

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Busted and Rusted on Route 66
Dec 21, 2007
Edgewood, New Mexico off Route 66
I crossed off another one from the bucket list today. I got to fly on a B17 Bomber the Aluminum Overcast owned and operated by the EAA. http://www.b17.org/
It was an amazing experience I will always remember. It was loud, drafty, and cold and I loved it!






Oh man! That's Cool DMW! That's something I'd really like to do. My brother has done it but so far, I haven't. Thanks for the story and photos. You didn't make away with any bomber seats did you?
loved those pics, man!:cool::cool: a really cool piece of american history to say the least...if a hotrodder doesn't like planes like that, then something is wrong!:eek:
That is just awesome. Congratulations. I have wanted to fly in a military plane for a very long time. Maybe someday I'll get my chance. Thanks for the pictures.
......I hate you.

I'm with TI, you are now officially on my 'hate list' :mad: Of course I'm sure it's just extreme jealousy rather than hate, on both our parts :eek::D

...if a hotrodder doesn't like planes like that, then something is wrong!:eek:

Gotta agree with Preacher 100% [dr That had to be one of those 'once in a lifetime chances', glad you got to take advantage of it [cl[cl
I had the opportunity about 10 years ago and didn't do it. Now I feel even worse.

Thanks for the fine pics. Sure looks like a great experience.

When the Confederate Air Force was here they would stage fake dog fights with two P-51 Mustangs right above my house. It was awsome to watch and available to ride along. Again, I was too cheap.
I woulda wanted to ride in the belly turret. That's way cool DMW. Suppose they didn't let you fire off any rounds either. Oh well, the ride had to be worth it!

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