Be careful guys... this pandemic isn't over!

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Ok guys, I know everyone's sick of all the things this virus has put us through but my daughter just caught it again for the 2nd time & she was up to date on her shots! Know a couple of others that have gotten it again lately. Although it's a PITA, I still wear a N95 anytime I'm in public! The 1st time my daughter got it she hardly had any symptoms but this time it's another story! Luckily there are pills you can take now that make a big difference & I hope she can recover quickly & avoid hospitalization! Be careful!

Ok guys, I know everyone's sick of all the things this virus has put us through but my daughter just caught it again for the 2nd time & she was up to date on her shots! Know a couple of others that have gotten it again lately. Although it's a PITA, I still wear a N95 anytime I'm in public! The 1st time my daughter got it she hardly had any symptoms but this time it's another story! Luckily there are pills you can take now that make a big difference & I hope she can recover quickly & avoid hospitalization! Be careful!


Yep, it's still very much there and very much is still killing people. My other half works in 2 different seniors care homes, and they are still seeing several deaths from Covid-19 in fully vaccinated seniors weekly.

We still wear a mask wherever we go.
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My Dr buddy says these new variants ain't no joke & he said he would't go out in public without a mask!

It will never be over. Viruses mutate all the time, and the mutation most of the time aren’t affected by the drugs that control the original virus. That’s why there are so many so called “ break through “ cases, they’re not really break through, they are a different mutation. I had the original version in Jan 20 before they even knew what it was or that it was here. My wife had it last year, she had a much harder time than I did. Then later last year, we both had a weaker variation, her first, then me a couple of weeks later. She wore a mask anytime she was out, I never did. Didn’t make a single bit of difference!

Neither of us have taken the shot. No need now, the version it was designed for has played out, and it doesn’t affect the newer versions. Heard of too many side effects in people we know, one died the next day after taking it. Who knows what will show up down the road.
Ya'll can think what you want. But I did the Ivermectin routine. No shots, no boosters. All my neighbors were in contact or had the wu flu but I never had a glitch, not one time. The powers that be speak of dis information,,,yeah ok!
It will never be over. Viruses mutate all the time, and the mutation most of the time aren’t affected by the drugs that control the original virus. That’s why there are so many so called “ break through “ cases, they’re not really break through, they are a different mutation. I had the original version in Jan 20 before they even knew what it was or that it was here. My wife had it last year, she had a much harder time than I did. Then later last year, we both had a weaker variation, her first, then me a couple of weeks later. She wore a mask anytime she was out, I never did. Didn’t make a single bit of difference!

Neither of us have taken the shot. No need now, the version it was designed for has played out, and it doesn’t affect the newer versions. Heard of too many side effects in people we know, one died the next day after taking it. Who knows what will show up down the road.

Glad to hear some other like minded people.

I know its real, I know it kills. But so do cigarettes, drunk diving, and the flu. I havnt had a shot and wont get one. I quite wearing certain brand cloths cause the made there work force get it or get the boot.

I know it affects everyone different. So if we all do what we feel necessary to keep our selves safe thats all we can do.

I dont think any different of anyone who got any of the shots on there own free will. Being forces to take something we have no long term side affect on os another story.

My dad has high blood preassure. Has for years, but it has been under control for the last 3 years prior to all this.
He got the j&j shot and in 2 days he was at the doctor cause his blood preasure was through the roof. They almost had to double his meds. Coincidence, I dont believe it was

Now that I m done ranting. All you guys stay safe!
Wife and I have had two of the types of the man made virus and had no complications aside from a slight fever. Neither of us have had any vaccines at all, We don't even take a flue shot.
Every person out there should follow their mind and gut and do what's best for themselves.
It's definitely for real and is deadly in some cases so take care of yourselves.
It will never be over. Viruses mutate all the time, and the mutation most of the time aren’t affected by the drugs that control the original virus.

Exactly, that's why it's so important to be careful. I've lost several friends and family to the virus and know how deadly it can be. Some people have barely any symptoms and it takes some people down in a hurry! :eek:

Exactly, that's why it's so important to be careful. I've lost several friends and family to the virus and know how deadly it can be. Some people have barely any symptoms and it takes some people down in a hurry! :eek:


Thats what is so crazy about it!! I only know 2 or 3 people who have had it
Well been tested any way jajaja
This Saturday we are having a memorial/car show for my 58 year old friend, Barry. He died early this spring. He had lots of other ailments along with Covid.

I'm with OI on this one.
I know its real, I know it kills. But so do cigarettes, drunk diving, and the flu.

Yeah, except drunk driving and the health affects of cigarettes aren't contagious.

This is honestly an argument I have found absolutely ridiculous during this whole pandemic. "Lots of people die from heart attack, stroke, suicide, and we don't shut down the country." Yeah, because those things aren't contagious.

Someone might kill someone by driving drunk, or get cancer themselves from smoking, but the scope of who can die from that person driving drunk or smoking is small. The scope of who can die from a pandemic disease is quite large, as we've seen.
Yeah, except drunk driving and the health affects of cigarettes aren't contagious.

This is honestly an argument I have found absolutely ridiculous during this whole pandemic. "Lots of people die from heart attack, stroke, suicide, and we don't shut down the country." Yeah, because those things aren't contagious.

Someone might kill someone by driving drunk, or get cancer themselves from smoking, but the scope of who can die from that person driving drunk or smoking is small. The scope of who can die from a pandemic disease is quite large, as we've seen.

I gwt what your saying, but I dont think closing down the country was very beneficial either. We are still dealing with those side affect and its only getting worse. I think things could have been handle better on all fronts
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Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti vax or anti mask, if you feel like that’s what you need to do, do it. I just don’t trust the people and agencies that were pushing and in many cases forcing their policy on folks. They have been caught lying and withholding information to further their policies. There is a difference in dying with versus dying of a disease, and a lot of them were misclassified on purpose. I feel it’s a personal decision how to protect yourself. I agree, a lot should have been handled differently, but some people got a taste of power and exploited it…..

Off my soapbox before I say too much…….
I'm with Snopro on this issue. A lot of people don't get the idea of 'contagious pandemic' meaning spreading, world-wide. We don't get to just look after ourselves, but we have to think of the others around us too. I didn't like the slowing down of the whole world, but that probably saved a few million lives.
Now, another issue is who do you trust. There are people out there who don't trust a large group of medical professionals, but will trust a single 'crackpot' on facebook. Don't let that be you; do some more research. Search for the best explanation of the situation and not just confirmation of your original view.
I'm with Snopro on this issue. A lot of people don't get the idea of 'contagious pandemic' meaning spreading, world-wide. We don't get to just look after ourselves, but we have to think of the others around us too. I didn't like the slowing down of the whole world, but that probably saved a few million lives.
Now, another issue is who do you trust. There are people out there who don't trust a large group of medical professionals, but will trust a single 'crackpot' on facebook. Don't let that be you; do some more research. Search for the best explanation of the situation and not just confirmation of your original view.

All you have to do is look at what happened in the 1918 pandemic. People got weary of efforts to contain the virus and started to go about their business and threw caution to the wind, just like we're seeing right now and paid with their lives! My long time friend who's a retired Doctor still wears his N95 mask, I'll be doing the same until he stops! It's not tyranny to wear a mask to protect yourself, your loved ones and strangers you might infect, unless you think having to wear a seatbelt is tyranny too! Lucky for us the new mutations seems to be less deadly but that could change in a heartbeat! Be safe out there!

My Wife is our towns Public Health Nurse. It has been a living hell for her for 2 years. I the early days we would get calls all hours of the night about people dying. She is going to go part time on July 1st this year with a plan to retire. She is burnt out. Not the same person she was before all this. I believe it is some type of a PTSD. Don't get me wrong, we are fine, but she is more high strung and cautious.
To those who did not get covid for what ever reason, count your blessings. Many young people are still reeling form long covid. My biggest fear was when I heard a patient needed to learn to walk and talk again. My Daughter 34yo friend/firefighter got covid before the vax. He is now using a CPAC machine to sleep. I have countless stories. A 50yo coworker got covid last Sept. Told me he remembers 2 days in the month. We just need every one to be kind. Stop bickering about masks. If they don't work, the next time you go in for surgery tell the OR staff they don't need to wear masks. They are not wearing them for themselves remember. Jim
To those who did not get covid for what ever reason, count your blessings. Many young people are still reeling form long covid. My biggest fear was when I heard a patient needed to learn to walk and talk again. My Daughter 34yo friend/firefighter got covid before the vax. He is now using a CPAC machine to sleep. I have countless stories. Jim

Same thing happened to my buddy's 30ish cousin. He was in ICU for 6 months, came out with long covid & 6 mths later he still can't walk & is on oxygen 24/7. Long covid is brutal & life changing!

My Wife is our towns Public Health Nurse. It has been a living hell for her for 2 years. I the early days we would get calls all hours of the night about people dying. She is going to go part time on July 1st this year with a plan to retire. She is burnt out. Not the same person she was before all this. I believe it is some type of a PTSD. Don't get me wrong, we are fine, but she is more high strung and cautious.
To those who did not get covid for what ever reason, count your blessings. Many young people are still reeling form long covid. My biggest fear was when I heard a patient needed to learn to walk and talk again. My Daughter 34yo friend/firefighter got covid before the vax. He is now using a CPAC machine to sleep. I have countless stories. A 50yo coworker got covid last Sept. Told me he remembers 2 days in the month. We just need every one to be kind. Stop bickering about masks. If they don't work, the next time you go in for surgery tell the OR staff they don't need to wear masks. They are not wearing them for themselves remember. Jim

You are quite right. I have a 28 year old female runner friend who is extremely athletic and runs long endurance races all throughout the year. She had Covid fairly mildly at New Years, ever since she had been unable to run and doesn't know when she'll be able to return to it. Her heart rate is extremely high just after walking, and they can't figure out a treatment to get it back to working normally.

My partner, a nurse who works at two long-term seniors care facilities, has had an elevated heart rate during even mild exercise ever since getting Covid in late-march. She had essentially a bad cold with extreme fatigue.

Not only is getting it bad, but the side effects are all over the place and can be very serious. Regardless of how healthy you are, it can have dire consequences.
When I had it, they didn’t even know what it was. A couple of shots and a couple of days later, I was ok. A couple of months later after they started hyping it, I got the purple Covid toes, proof that I had it. To start with, I wasn’t very sick, just flu like symptoms. But a year later, they thought I had a blood clot in one lung, I don’t know for sure if I did or not. I do know it brought out COPD in my lungs, and I still get winded at nothing. Not as stout as I used to be, either. Tire out quickly.

The N95 mask is supposed to be the best. Those paper things everybody was wearing weren’t even good for dust. They even stated on the box not for medical use!
World News Tonight had a show on about Covid orphans, kids that lost both parents to covid. I was pretty sick in late Dec 2019 and it lasted until mid Feb 2020. At that time they said it was an upper respiratory infection. Never had something that long. No long problems. Jim

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