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Rat Rods Rule

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i dont know why i hadnt thought of this before but.
my 1st project was a 63 kaiser/willys jeep. bone stock with a crawl ratio of 87-1 in compound first gear.
4 shift levers on the floor etc.
i took it to a few shows and always ended up next to some super expensive muscle car or something.
the last time i ended up next to a car that was roped off with BIG sings saying keep out! do not touch! blablabla
so i quickly made myself a sign that said PLEASE TOUCH! i had kids crawling all over that thing like it was a jungle jim. honkin the horn and generally having a good ol time.
at one point i went for a stroll and when i came back.
a little girl had her dollys buckled in and was taking them shopping.
it was the last word in cute.
btw boys
you get BIG brownie points from soccer moms that way. ;)



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