first-sometimes it is that way bonehead-vote for the lesser of two evils
now LFE- Right on as far as social security-that along with watching my wifes grandfather loose everything from the airlines when they axed his pension. Basically- Young people only have what they set aside to rely on when they get old. You can't trust corporations or the gov to provide.
Health care-You are still getting benefits-thats great. Right now we are on the verge of providing "social" medicine for the poor and the status quo for people that work. From everything I've read this will be based on your income-so in otherwords-even though i don't make much-i probably make more then enough in the governments eyes to help pay for healthcare for people who are not willing to work as hard as me or become american citizens and enough to be required by them to pay for my own health care. It's been touted as the same as requiring car insurance by some. Well, I can choose to not drive and not have auto insurance, but i can't choose to not have a body and so therfore they will not let me choose (just take my money). This to me is the loss of healthcare for the middle class. All the focus will be on helping the poor that cannot afford healthcare-the rich can afford whatever they want-I will be stuck footing two bills and trying to get the best healthcare I can afford.
Freedom-Defending the nation from terriosts! 24/7- we just need authority to tap anyones phone lines anytime-etc.etc.etc. The list of needs will continue to grow unless we say enough is enough and we would rather risk the terriosts then be under scrutiny ever second of our lives. Thats the police state you say is happening- I agree with you here.
Agent of change- I'll be honest here, chances are whoever wins the primary will probably not be an agent of change. I plan to vote for Ron Paul in the primary anyways- and to be quite honest- I don't agree with 100% of his views-just more then other canidates. I will never cast a vote in the primary for someone that I think will win because I want my vote to count. Even if it means my vote may not be worth much all by itself. What I mean by saying we need to give votes to the people that will make changes is that over time we need to move towards this goal. The road to a police state and big money control has been a long road traveled over time and built up using events like 9/11 as catalysts. The road back will also be a long hard fought road of voting for the right people. If rule of law is maintained then we will be ok. If not, well, then your right, there isn't much that can be done except hiding grandpas old twenty two in the attic and waiting for the right time to take the country back. I think we are a ways away from anything like that happening just yet though.
Anyways-that was alot of typing
, if anything LFE-keep saying what your saying-it polarizes people into wanting to do something. Telling them they can't and they will, tell them they can and they'll relaxe in front of the **** tube.