blonde Jokes let here um!

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Rev Tex Devlle

He's workin' 4 da Lord, in a '46 Ford!
Sep 14, 2008
oneonta alabama
Blonde goes n hair salon with headphones on & says she needs a hair cut,Stylist says remove the headphones.Blonde says NO! I'll just die without them!During the hair cut,blonde falls asleep so the stylist removes the headphones.A few min later,the blonde falls out of the chair dead! Stylist couldn't figure out what killed her,till she put the headphones up to her ears & heard a voice repeating,Breathe In,Breathe Out!

what is thye difference between a blonde and a brick?

the brick doesn't follow you around for a week after you lay it.
whats the difference between a blonde and a 747?
not everyones been on a 747.

and my all time favorite blonde joke.

Did you hear about the blonde fox?
got caught in a trap, chewed three of her legs off and was still stuck
a little blonde cop humor.....

A blonde cop stops a blonde motorist and asks for her driving license.

The Motorist scuffles around in her purse and can't find it. She says to the cop, "I must have left it at home officer."

The blonde cop says, "Well, do you have any kind of identification?" The motorist scuffles around in her purse again, and finds a pocket mirror.

She looks at it and says to the cop, "All I have is this picture of myself." The cop says, "Let me see it, then." So the blonde motorist gives the mirror to the blonde cop, who looks at it, and replies, "Well, if I had known you were a police officer, I wouldn't have pulled you over. You can go now." [S
Oh Lord where will they stop???

A blonde walks into a electronic store and asks the manager, "Can I buy that TV"
"Why not?"
"Because your a blonde."
So the blonde goes out and dyes her hair red. She returned to the electronic store and said, "Can I buy that TV?"
"Why not?"
"Your a blonde."
So the blonde goes and shaves her hair off and returns to the electronic store and says, "Can I buy that TV?"
"Why not?"
"You're a blonde"
"How can you tell I'm a blonde, I dyed my hair red, then shaved it off!"
"Because that's not a TV, that's a microwave!"
just one more.....

A blonde decided she needed something new and different for a winter hobby. She went to the bookstore and bought every book she could find on ice fishing.

For weeks she read and studied, hoping to become an expert in the field. Finally she decided she knew enough and out she went for her first ice fishing trip. She carefully gathered up and packed all the tools and equipment needed for the excursion. Each piece of equipment had its own special place in her kit.

When she got to the ice, she found a quiet little area, placed her padded stool and carefully laid out her tools.

Just as she was about to make her first cut into the ice, a booming voice from the sky bellowed, "There are no fish under the ice!!"

Startled, the blonde grabbed up all her belongings, moved further along the ice, poured some hot chocolate from her thermos, and started to cut a new hole.

Again the voice from above bellowed, "There are no fish under the ice!!"

Amazed, the blonde was not quite sure what to do as this certainly was not covered in any of her books. She packed up her gear and moved to the far side of the ice. Once there, she stopped for a few moments to regain her calm. Then she was extremely careful to set everything up perfectly--tools in the right place, chair positioned just so. Just as she was about to cut this new hole, the voice came again.

"There are no fish under the ice!!"

Petrified, the blonde looked skyward and asked, "Is that You, Lord?"

Although humorous, these jokes cannot be told in my household. A certain natural blonde person who lives here is very touchy about it. No sense of humor at all I tell ya.

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