Buy American! Made in the good ol USofA

Rat Rods Rule

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Water sprinkler!

I went to buy a sprinkler the other day & every one of them was made in China. I am still trying to buy made in da good 'ol USofA so... I kept lookin' til I *finally* found one. It cost a $1 more but that was 1 more greenback that stayed rat here @ home & employed an American worker... teh best workers in the whole world!!! I am also glad to see Ford doing so well... hopefully people will start supporting the *home* team!!! :D

Well, ya got that right Tripper - If people don't start supporting the USA, and I don't mean just buying American made, your going to see more of the products made in the USA move out of the USA and the "home" team might end up being owned by China or some other country.

Mrs. moron was telling me another story the other day about an old show from the '70's. The show sucked, but she had to tell me about one funny part...the dialogue came from a Chinese fellow who said, "The Americans have figured out how to make gold. We will make it cheaper out of plastic!":D ROFLMAO!

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