I never understood why an American would want to run away to Canada? Cold as sin in the Fall, Winter, Spring.
Those folks should just wait for Jan. 20th. 2017. I understand the US Government will be offing 2-3 million free trips to Mexico. Nice & warm down there.
I never understood why an American would want to run away to Canada? Cold as sin in the Fall, Winter, Spring.
Those folks should just wait for Jan. 20th. 2017. I understand the US Government will be offing 2-3 million free trips to Mexico. Nice & warm down there.
The Man's name is President Obama. Only Americans that vote have the right to trash talk American politicians.
Not wanting to start an argument here but Oldmanb says we have free health care in Canada, but available figures state that at the end of 2013 the Canadian government spent approximately 211 Billion dollars for healthcare for that year. That's about $6,000 per person. (we have a population of around 35 million) All government money only comes from one place...the people (taxes, fees etc) so it really isn't free. We don't pay any premiums and we do have universal access but there is no "free" ride.
My apologies to Cpatton - I misunderstood your post and edited my reply.