Driver - Y'all think weez a movin now? Jus wait til I pop this here clutch and downshift er inta 4th gear! This here new fangled contraption hauls ass like a scalded dawg!! Weez about ta show them there fancy city slicker revenuers what fer by golly!
Ernest T. in the middle - Fellers, I didn't think I'd ever say this but, this is more fun than a coon huntin on a Saturday night!!! YEEE HAAAWW!! IT'S ME!! IT'S ME!! IT'S ERNEST T!!!! YOU AIN'T HEARD THE LAST OF ERNEST T. BASS!!! HE, HE, HE!!!
Elrod on the outside - Ya need to watch what yer a doing here! Ain't that Brisco Darlin's prize sow a layin in the road up yonder? If youin's hit that there big ole hog, Brisco'll a tell our Pa's and theyins ah tan our hides but good!!