car crashes into 34 plymouth at rod run

Rat Rods Rule

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Yep, she didn't look all that old in the video. I expected to see some 90 year old, but I guess younger drivers pull bonehead (sorry Bonehead, no reflection:D) tricks too. I would have been not quite as calm as the Plymouth owner.

When we used to go cruising with the car club I was in at one time, we had to be careful because the drivers of cars passing us would be distracted looking at all these old cars, and several almost ran into us. I've also had people with cameras and video recorders swerve a little too close for comfort as the were taking my picture.

The guy may have looked calm but I bet he was wild on the inside. I know I was when my car got hit setting in my parking lot the beginning of the year.
I watched it again and after she hit the car she turned around and was yelling at someone in the back seat - like it was all their fault.

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