''SARCASM: just one of his many talents.''
a guy l have known for years last week has decided to clean his garage out of the stuff he'd never use and instead of scrapping it he told me to come get it.
very happy he thought of me and did not scrap it. he gave me 5 small blocks, 4 cranks and a slew of rods & pistons and 6 sets of heads including 2 pair of 194's.
2 327 blocks,
1 35O 4 bolt main short block,
2 283's, one standard, one is the rare Chevy ll 283 V-8 engine block with recessed oil filter boss,
on line lv'e seen the recessed oil filter boss ones sell for 2k or more, is this a realistic price or are they dreaming[S
he's still in cleaning mode and said he'll have more goodies for me soon.
very happy he thought of me and did not scrap it. he gave me 5 small blocks, 4 cranks and a slew of rods & pistons and 6 sets of heads including 2 pair of 194's.
2 327 blocks,
1 35O 4 bolt main short block,
2 283's, one standard, one is the rare Chevy ll 283 V-8 engine block with recessed oil filter boss,
on line lv'e seen the recessed oil filter boss ones sell for 2k or more, is this a realistic price or are they dreaming[S
he's still in cleaning mode and said he'll have more goodies for me soon.
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