Thanks for both replies. That is why I joined this forum. As far as the VW purists go, oh well. I know that years ago, I put a Porsche engine in a VW bug, which I still have as a matter of fact. Took it to a ton of shows, for bot foreign and domestic cars, and always entered in in Special Interest Class and still won a lot of triphies. Did a VW show across the river, in Illinois, and took a first place. I got protested by a couple of guys with dune buggies and an old guy with a '65 Bug. I asked the judges why the protests were upheld and they said it had to be a stock VW. I said, ok, not a problem, but there ain't no such critter here. The old guy with the '65 said his was stock. I knew better. I do know VW's. Was trained in Germany at the VW plant to be a mechanic. That was 1969 and I was a VW/Porsche?Audi mechanic for years. Instead of arguing, I gave him the trophy. Off my soapbox for now. But thanks again for info/advice[cl