Looking like your making some progress.
Looking good! Keep your patients up when grinding!! This is another area it's REAL easy to go to fast and hot!
It's taking me FOREVER to complete mine.
20 minutes between each tack is overkill. Tack every 4 inches, go all the way across the top, then go back and build onto your tacks. Woking over a few nights is great advice too! That's how I did mine.
For that big gap, look like you'll need to make some cuts in the top section and spread it to match the thickness of the lower section. When I did mine, I backed mine by cutting the scrap jamb section into pieces and using them to back my welds inside. This works good to match the shape of the jamb. I even did this when I sectioned mine.
Your working on (my opinion) the hardest and most frustrrating part. Just take your time. This is one of the few areas it really pays off to take more time then you want.
Kinda makes you look up to those guys that chop up those lead sleads huh?! [cl