
Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
I feel sorry for that movie theatre shooting but if these places realized that the no carry signs dont stop criminals and the insane from carrying weapons but only licensed people with background checks then maybe one person with a legit ccw permit and a gun coulda stopped that mess.
just sayin. RR
I feel sorry for that movie theatre shooting but if these places realized that the no carry signs dont stop criminals and the insane from carrying weapons but only licensed people with background checks then maybe one person with a legit ccw permit and a gun coulda stopped that mess.
just sayin. RR

agreed. It's tragic what happened. Even worse is that they are going to find ways to use this to try to push the small firearms treaty at the UN...which is a scary scary thought. 90% of the Americans I work with/live with when I'm in the States carry when permitted or own at least 2 firearms. Phoenix is open carry, Oregon is concealed carry with permit and NY is carry with permit (as far as I know, could be wrong about NY) I know at the shop in NY we had at least 4 loaded firearms in the shop at all times. Before the tattooer who owned the firearm left, they would unload and secure the weapon. Or unload it and bring it home with them, whichever. The shop I work at in Oregon has a loaded .38 on Josh's belt, a loaded .357 Magnum under the desk and an AK in the back. And I don't even know how many guns H owns down in Phoenix...I know he's got a .38 he carries on his belt and a few more, but I can't remember.

Point is, trained, licensed people with firearms are NEVER a bad thing. It's already gone from people mind, but there was a 78 year old man with a concealed carry who actually saved a few people during an armed robbery...don't hear about that on the news too much.
What a sad story. :( You go out for a nice day and some idiot with no life decides to kill as many people as he can. There are some really sick people around.

Truly sad for the ones that were in the wrong place at the wrong time. As far as carry permits go, it doesn't stop people from carrying firearms. We had a shooting here in Delaware a couple of weeks ago. Some thugs came to a kids soccer game to take out a witness who was going to testify against one of them on a murder charge. Three of them pulled pistols and shot the witness and two others, but before they could leave some of the opposing crowd started pulling out their weapons and a shoot out resulted in one of the thugs being killed and a few bystanders being injured....getting to be an insane world that we live in!:(
I feel for the families, it was a sad event. I have been watching and reading some of the local news and this is already turning into a gun control issue hot button. It is a sad thing when a tragety like this happens and it gets over shadowed by groups with no care about the people, and just make it a circus for more control:(
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The explanation I've heard is it is cheaper than hiring a babysitter. The little kids simply sleep at the midnight showings.
I'm deeply saddened, as is the entire community here. In response to the first comments, with all of the body armor this guy was wearing, I doubt that a hand gun or two in the crowd in a dark theater full of smoke would have changed the outcome much, if at all. I'm in agreement with Sneakysnake on this one. We need to adress the mental illness issue - here in Colorado and probably in the country as a whole. The cuts in Colorado over the past decade to metal health care are scary. From what I've read, this is a nation wide time bomb ticking away.

In my opinion the only thing that might have helped on the night of the shooting would have been some security in place that would not have allowed him to exit during the beginning of the movie and prop the door to come back in. This nut case was hell bent on causing as much harm and panic as possible, and went about making it happen by following all the laws up to the time he pulled a trigger. Hard to protect against this one.

Thanks for the kind words and concern. I pray that things like this never happen again. I'd love to live in a place without any news headlines for a while.
agreed. It's tragic what happened. Even worse is that they are going to find ways to use this to try to push the small firearms treaty at the UN...which is a scary scary thought. 90% of the Americans I work with/live with when I'm in the States carry when permitted or own at least 2 firearms. Phoenix is open carry, Oregon is concealed carry with permit and NY is carry with permit (as far as I know, could be wrong about NY) I know at the shop in NY we had at least 4 loaded firearms in the shop at all times. Before the tattooer who owned the firearm left, they would unload and secure the weapon. Or unload it and bring it home with them, whichever. The shop I work at in Oregon has a loaded .38 on Josh's belt, a loaded .357 Magnum under the desk and an AK in the back. And I don't even know how many guns H owns down in Phoenix...I know he's got a .38 he carries on his belt and a few more, but I can't remember.

Point is, trained, licensed people with firearms are NEVER a bad thing. It's already gone from people mind, but there was a 78 year old man with a concealed carry who actually saved a few people during an armed robbery...don't hear about that on the news too much.

ok this is what i can not get my head around (from the UK where people only really use guns for hunting) ,but in a shop why would you need so many guns ,why would you need a gun in a town at all ,the problem is there is so many guns in the first place ,there is no good reason to need to take a gun shopping with you , you should not need to have a gun with you unless you are a police officer ,hunting ,or in the wild where you could be attacked by a bear or something like that.I know most wouldn't like it but if guns were banned in towns and allowed only for hunting or using at gun clubs target shooting you would have far less of these thing happen ,i know some time when i have really lost it in rage i could easy shoot someone but some people who i have felt like that about i have became friends with after we have resolved issues,and i am a calm none violent person .Just a view from the outside looking in as said we dont have a gun culture here.
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ok this is what i can not get my head around (from the UK where people only really use guns for hunting) ,but in a shop why would you need so many guns ,why would you need a gun in a town at all ,the problem is there is so many guns in the first place ,there is no good reason to need to take a gun shopping with you , you should not need to have a gun with you unless you are a police officer ,hunting ,or in the wild where you could be attacked by a bear or something like that.I know most wouldn't like it but if guns were banned in towns and allowed only for hunting or using at gun clubs target shooting you would have far less of these thing happen ,i know some time when i have really lost it in rage i could easy shoot someone but some people who i have felt like that about i have became friends with after we have resolved issues,and i am a calm none violent person .Just a view from the outside looking in as said we dont have a gun culture here.
So what you're saying is that, when you wanted to go hunting, instead of the gun being in your possession, you'd go to big brother ?????????????????? and ask permission to take your gun to the gun range or hunting :confused:
This is where the rub is. You can take the guns away from the law abiding citizens (which is their protection) but, the criminals will still be able to get them.
I'm a veteran and my answer is NO WAY !
Not a good enough solution [P
yea thats how i feel. criminals will always break the law. just like in CO there was a no gun policy in the theater, didnt stop the guy who shot every one now did it? so if you take the guns away from the clean background, usually trained law abiding citizens, how will that help anything? in the US laws dont stop criminals, thats why they are criminals. i guess you just live in a good area
ok this is what i can not get my head around (from the UK where people only really use guns for hunting) ,but in a shop why would you need so many guns ,why would you need a gun in a town at all ,the problem is there is so many guns in the first place ,there is no good reason to need to take a gun shopping with you , you should not need to have a gun with you unless you are a police officer ,hunting ,or in the wild where you could be attacked by a bear or something like that.I know most wouldn't like it but if guns were banned in towns and allowed only for hunting or using at gun clubs target shooting you would have far less of these thing happen ,i know some time when i have really lost it in rage i could easy shoot someone but some people who i have felt like that about i have became friends with after we have resolved issues,and i am a calm none violent person .Just a view from the outside looking in as said we dont have a gun culture here.

In NY we need the guns because the shop is opened until at least midnight. Every other shop closes by 9 or 10...and all the crazies come out after dark. There has been more than one occasion where it was a good thing we had the firearms close at hand. In Oregon same reason H carries his because "this is 'Merica" (or so he tells me)...and its his right to do so. I know tons of people with hot head tempers who own guns and none of them would pull a gun in a fit of rage. "You only pull a gun on something you intend to shoot"..... Taking away firearms will not do anything to stop criminals from owning them/shooting them in the course of a crime etc...that's why they are criminals.
Reading some other threads I though I would drag this back

I was going to jack my own post (my 30 minute metal work) but it fits here, soltz got me to thinking so I grabbed the soapbox and here I am.

Well actually this may be perfect timing. I really don’t mean to come off as a heartless person but as Americans we often forget. There are other parts in the world where this is everyday life. There are people that would be happy going to the store and be cut off by some idiot driver than dodging bullets and rockets.

This is a tragedy hands down and I am outraged by what this guy did here in Colorado, but what this is going to turn into is even more of a tragedy. I don’t know how much of the local Colorado new everyone gets to see, or all the web news. But between celebrity and politician showing up for photo shoots and brownie points (who really falls for this crap). We have the reports of the public with one side saying “Please mister government protect me from the bad guy, get the guns off our streets” and the other side saying “What we need is more guns on the street”

Like I said before in this thread “it will turn into a circus” and here is the starting point,|htmlws-sb-bb|dl14|sec1_lnk3&pLid=184230

Is this going to mean your going to have to spend a couple grand with a head shrink to prove you’re not a kook (I see big medical industry jumping on this wagon; the blood sucker just can’t get enough as it is). FYI there was 3000 gun sales in Colorado the weekend after the shooting.

Gun control what a joke! It amazes me how many people really think criminal are buying guns legally, there are them rare occasion like this one but come on. I believe in the right to bare arms and nothing is going to change that. To me gun control is safe guarding your fire arm from the public and hitting what you are aiming at.

I’m on the fence over ccw permits, I know a lot of people that have them and the majority of them I’m ok with. On the other hand there are some that wear that permit on their buffed out chests like a tin badge. I have seen first hand where these John Wayne supper ego gun packing idiots caused more problems by pulling a gun just because they think it is their right. Food for thought on this, I had a buddy with a ccw permit that was in a car wreck years ago. He roll his truck and was knock out, he came to just after the highway patrol showed up. He got lumped up pretty good but was ok, after a few minutes with the patrolman he realized his gun was missing. A year later the county sheriff called and said they had confiscated his gun from someone that used it in a robbery.

The saddest thing about all this is the guy is more then likely going to use the insanity plea or even if he is found fit to stand trial; he is more then likely going to spend the rest on his life behind bars. We the tax payer could end up paying $3,000,000.00 to house this guy. Mean while the family that lost someone in this shooting will be struggling to make ends meet, more then likely lose everything, and who is really going to care about them. No one and this is what really disturbs me, Because in the end the news will die down, the celebrity will move on to the next million dollar movie, the politician will move on to duke the public more, Government will continue to let us scare our self, big business will continue to rob us blind and employ the illegal’s, the criminals will still be buying illegal firearms, and this guy will be rotting in jail on our dime.

Like I said we American often forget.
Gun control is not crime control. In this country the laws are stifling. Rules, regs and plenty of red tape BS. Does any of this stop violent crime? NO. It simply taxes the law abiding citizen and makes him pay for the right to possess them.

When guns become illegal, only criminals will have them. Armed robbers, drug dealers and psychopaths don't apply for a permit or volunteer for gov't evaluation, but they still shoot people.

Gun control makes the blind and ignorant. The same ignorant people who believe playing a LP backwards causes violent crime.
I think the objective of the gun control advocates is that over time the supply of guns will dwindle so even the criminals will have a hard time getting them.
Of course, this is an impossibility as guns are manufactured all over the world.
Since we cannot keep people from streaming over the borders or even prevent boatloads of dope from reaching our shores, how would we ever prevent guns from entering the country?

Gun control would not have prevented any of the recent tragedies. Complete elimination of guns would. It's much harder to commit mass murder with a knife or a baseball bat.

In a country of 300,000,000 there are several million crazies. Once in a while one of them will become homicidal and harm or kill other people. Always been, always will be.

No gun control for me. Ineffective for the issues being discussed. In fact, I might get a nice 9mm pistol just because I still can, not that I feel the need to protect myself.
Ok, maybe I am gonna get blasted for this, and if so, sorry, but i really believe this. WHAT KIND OF ROTTEN PARENT TAKES THEIR 3 YEAR OLD TO AN AFTER MIDNIGHT MOVIE? There, i feel better.

Well, there are a lot of different ways to be a good parent, and the rules in my house may not be the same as in someone else's house.

I like to think that I was a good Father and there were lots of times our Son's were out with us late at night. In fact, that might have been one of the failings I had as a Husband, the fact that I really never gave my Wife time with just the two of us to be together alone. I realize that now. But my logic back then was that we loved our kids and wanted to spend every minute we could with them.

I can remember when they were about 10 or 11 taking them to a night club where a band was playing so they could hear the sax player there. Some people might think that is odd, but they were beginning to play the sax and I felt the exposure to some live music would be enjoyable for them. All the bar owner said was " I just don't want to see any drinks in front of them at the table !" :D


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