Thanks everybody, great gifts too.
Mav, I hope you enjoy the shirt. It is one of my all time favorites.
Years ago, when Tripper started this site, Flatbroke sent me a message and asked me to come check it out. There were only a few guys on here, and to keep the site going we talked about everything. If there was a new thread, you had to comment on it, otherwise, the site would not be of interest to anybody stopping in. In those early days here, if you hit "new posts" , sometimes there would be none. I got layed up with a major back surgery for a while, and RRR kept me from being bored while I could not get around. Through RRR, I have met some amazing people. Some face to face, and some I feel like I know as an old friend, but have never shaken hands with them. Thanks to everyone who has ever typed a single letter on this site. It shows that people can get along and be civil to each other in a cyber atmosphere. This whole thing revolves around the automobile. You can't beat that. So to all my friends and family here I say, "Keep on Truckin".