Hey everybody...I know I haven't been around for quite some time, but I thought I'd drop in and see how things are...I'm not entering this to win because there are a lot of more deserving guys on here that should win. I just want to say hats off to the Eman for always having great ideas and for this contest!...CR [cl
The bull dog faced drill sargent sounds out as the young group
of soldiers fall in....heels clapping, tummy's sucked in.... shirt
tails tucked, all looking straight ahead with chins held high.
Drill sargent with his hands clasped behind him....walks down the
line eyeballing each person to see if he could get a flinch...nothing,
but then he happens to notice each and every soldiers head was
cocked to the right and down ten degrees each way............
sorry can't remember the rest[ddd
maybe one of you guys can add to or finish the rest of the story??????
Well, you could lie and tell her all that drool is coming from smelling all that good home cooking during this holiday time!
Honestly, I'm keeping them pretty tame....some women wear less around here...