Old Iron
Well-known member
Does that mean I will want to drive with my head hanging out the car window OI.[ddd![]()
Does that mean I will want to drive with my head hanging out the car window OI.[ddd![]()
Yea and chase the cat
Rough and dirty section...
Oooooooohhhhhh! I likey! Gives it good proportions. Would be a TON of work though. Probably why there never were many done that way.
Pretty much what I had in visioned. Did you take out just 3"? And where did you take it from?
holy crap that channel made the car even more gorgeous [cl[cl[cl
torchie if I lived by you I would come do all your welding just to learn your eye.
Could be 3", could be 4". (I don't have a fancy Chevrolet calibrated yard stick.)
Cut lines, approximately here...
looks like you`ve got some work ahead Torchie. Things seen cannot be unseen. No way to argue the beauty.... so.... [[P
holy sabre saw batman... that section will make the Mopar more 'droolable"..
Torchie if you don't ever do this someone really needs to.. !!
in fact . If you can lay your hands on some folders, rollers, 8x4 sheet, some weldy stuff, beersies and snacks, oh yeah some plane tickets this kiwi bodyman mopar fanatic will come over an help ya's
will need to check im allowed to with mrs crate first though