Good thought sent your way.
I've taken to praying, in my own way, lately. Sending some her way.
As have many of us bob.
I’ve never been a religious person ( especially organized religion) but I’ve always been a spiritual person. If that makes sense.
I speak to the universe on a daily basis......
Thanks again to all.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers brother. Seems to be a problem for a lot of us are facing as we are gaining speed on the down hill side.
My moms is 91 with similar problems. One day at a time and try to appreciate the good we can get a out of every one of them.
I keep thinking about what you've talked about here with your concerns for your mother-in-law, and have hesitated to say anything, because I don't know you personally, and have only interacted a bit here, probably mostly on this thread. As far as understanding what you are dealing with, I'll start by telling you that my Dad is one month shy of 89, has Alzheimer's, and it has progressed to the point that he is generally very confused, doesn't know us anymore. etc. My wife's dad, however, is 97, has a clear mind, but the body is wearing out. My mother-in-law passed away around 10 years ago, and he lives alone - he doesn't want it any other way, especially to move to a retirement home. He has now had his second monthly eye injection for "wet" macular degeneration, and the regimen for preparation for those shots involves putting in eye drops every 2 hours for all waking hours during the 24 hour period prior to the shot, and then for some hours afterwards. My wife has been running out there to do this for him, and while we live close to him, living in a tourist area (Amish community) means the traffic is really terrible. (She has been getting this same treatment for years already herself.) (Oh, he has had a pace maker for more than 10 years already, and his heart is now depending on it full time.)
Now to the part about thoughts & prayers. I HAVE been praying for you all, but not to some unknown entity, but to the creator who made us all, and really cares about us. Your dog cares more about what you and your family are going through than something like "mother nature" (Not at all sure about cats - kinda' doubt it). And our creator cares a great deal more than your dog, which, to me, is the best example of what God is like.
Thanks to all.
Moms-in-law is dealing with A fib.( Hmmm. That sounds familiar.)
They are trying to regulate her elevated hearty rate with Meds. So far only middling success as it keeps going back up.
One day at a time for sure POPS. And sending you and your Mom good vibes as well.
Fortunately this is not our first time dealing with elder care. I know that for some it is depressing, but I have found the times that I have done it to be very enriching.
It's at times like this that, if able, many untold stories and life experiences finally get shared. I learned more about my Grand parents life taking care of them then even my Mother, their daughter, knew.
Keep on keeping on, everyone.
Been a while - How is the recovery progress coming along?
(Thinking about your mom-in-law makes me remember how it was with my wife's mom before she passed away I think 9 years ago today or within a couple days of today. She had had a heart attack about a year earlier, and she never lost her good humor. She got tired of all of the trainees coming in and asking her the same questions over & over, like "Do you drink?" Finally she told one of them, "Yes, I drink latex paint thinner." She said that got them to look up from their paper with a startled look at least....)