Small, I knew you were a tree hugger at heart! Glad Jr and your car and your tree are all OK!
Some kind of dirt track tires maybe? The ones you have now look like they have about one inch of tread on the ground. Maybe let some air out of them. I du-know...
Looks like a blast, though.
Some of the early MG wheels are cool looking, too. 15 x4 if I remember correctly. I'll bet repops are out there. Find the local British car club. They will know. Some of that crowd can be as stuffy as the lads on the Pork board, but a bit of diplomacy goes a long way. Then there is the possibility of finding the bolt on splined hubs and you can get wires with knock-offs. Not sure if the hubs are 4-on-4, but I remember taking a lot of those cars apart in the early '70s working in a foreign car only wrecking yard in So. Cal. Those old painted MG wire wheels were very cool.I'm looking for some better treads. Most of the kart builders are using honda wheels . There are only a few that can be modded to the hubs you can find for the karts. I believe CT 50 and 90 and the rears on a 125 not sure of the model designation. I figured I could get by with these while a figuring a way to get some spokes. I used 4 lug trailer wheels which are 4 on 4", the same as the hubs, and went with motorcycle tires on those rims...I might have been better off with trailer tires. They might have been a little taller than these. The mc tires just spread out and squatted and I gotta keep them aired hard or I'm afraid I'll lose a bead under pressure. Found out some early MGs were 4 on 4" too and they would be kool, but find a set,,heheh!