Did something I hadn't done in a while! Drove through a parking garage!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Drove the Chevelle though a parking garage today! Forgot what that was like... it was like doin' the "wave" but with car alarms! I had to laugh but was sorta embarrassed when I'd pass a real human cause it was obvious who was creating havoc!!! [ddd[ddd[ddd

Tripper that funny I would have had to make a second trip. I would not be embarrassed I would be smiling ear to ear. That story make me wish I still had my 56 Ford pickup that I had back in the seventy. It use to get yelled at my the neighbors for making the dishes rattle in the china closet.

Hell those alarms are going off so often that no one even looks anymore.
When my wife had her 70 Malibu as a daily, she had to work a week of swing one time. On her way home she would drive by tha same car and set off the alarm about 12am for a week, she was very pleased with herself.[cl
that happened to me a lot with both my old 72 'velle 454 and my 01 Lightning. at first i was a little embarrassed, then i really started to laugh one day. from that day on, it was an ear to ear grin.

now in my lifted f-250 i have to check the height clearance so i dont scrape the roof of my truck (again)
When I was sixteen, I would do the loud radio thing to set off alarms, it was fun in its day, but now it is a simple joy to stroll through a parking garage and set off alarms. Are the alarms set too sensitive? YES! but it still makes me smile. I do it with a silverado, at least you are doing it with a car worth while. Good job!
At least you can fit in a car garage. I cant fit into any of the ones around here to drive through and set off alarms. So i have to stick with walmart parking lot, at least i can fit there and not worry about height clearance. :D

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